Without any exception, tourists use to pick up samples to take them back as a souvenir of their amazing trip. The habit of picking up corals it’s not so determinative […]
Tourism, a way to discover or destroy reefs?
29 de enero, 2014 | Miren Otaegi
Euskaldunon Egunkaria. Giza Eskubideen urraketa
28 de enero, 2014 | Aitor Erdoiza
Euskaldunon Egunkaria 1990 eta 2003 bitartean Ipar eta Hego Euskal Herrian euskaraz argitaratzen zen egunkari bakarra zen. Egoitza nagusia Andoaingo Martin Ugalde Parkean zuen, eta Martxelo Otamendi izan zen haren zuzendaria 1993tik 2003 ra arte, egunkaria itxiarazi zuten urtea. Egunkariaren itxiera eta herriaren erantzuna 2003ko otsailaren 23an Auzitegi Nazionaleko Juan del Olmo epaileak Egunkaria ixtea eta haren […]
Blogging for a living: not as easy as it seems
27 de enero, 2014 | María Saldaña
Choosing to blog is a common decision in nowadays society according to Phil Mershon (2011) but one of the first things that need to be done, according to Brenda Stoltz (2014), is to set clear goals for the blog. But … Continue reading →
A night to reflect
17 de enero, 2014 | Iñigo Rubio
There are stories that captivate the world until they dwell more in the ground of legend than in the reality´s. The best example without any doubt is the story of the RMS Titanic, the legendary British transatlantic sunk in 1912 after colliding with an unexpected iceberg on its maiden voyage. About it have been made some films, […]
Christmas: fun or belief?
17 de enero, 2014 | Arlet Carrillo
Christmas is a holiday that is under tremendous attack in recent times. Santa Claus has taken the place of Jesus and shopping centre has taken the place of the temple. The Sunday before Christmas a Church’s parking is empty and in the malls it is a challenge to find a place to park the car. […]
Izarren Argia
17 de enero, 2014 | Paula Motrico
Jon A. Larreategik 2007ko Martxoaren 19an bere GARAko artikuluan argitaratu zuen euskal historia zati hura izan zen Baleukok hiru urte geroago, 2010ean kaleratuko zuen filmaren oinarri. Filma hau “Izarren argia […]
Kate Moss, 40 and gorgeous as ever
17 de enero, 2014 | Ane Zorrilla
Yesterday, the arguably most famous and admired model of our era turned 40. This news was, of course, echoed in all the English newspapers; Fabulous at 40 titled The Independent and, Kate […]
Miguel Unamuno Y El Sentimiento trágico de la vida.
17 de enero, 2014 | Sergio Fernández Silva
De la mano de la filosofía existencialista y humanista de este bilbaíno se pueden arrancar infinidad de valores y respuestas que se aproximan a la verdad sobre el enigma humano. En todas sus obras se denota un profundo sentimiento que posiciona al individuo como ser impulsado por la pasión, el afecto o el instinto por […]
17 de enero, 2014 | Asier Gonzalez
Junto con Gottlob Frege, Bertrand Russel (Trellech, 18 de mayo de 1872 – Penrhyndeudraeth, 2 de febrero de 1970), es considerado como uno de los fundadores de la Filosofía analítica. Es también considerado uno de los dos lógicos más importantes del siglo XX, siendo el otro Kurt Gödel. Trabajo diversos y muy variados temas, desde […]
Mundua ikusteko beste era bat
17 de enero, 2014 | Nerea Kortazar
“Google Glass“-ek, 2013.urtean aplikazioak eta esploratzaileak garatzen dituzten hainbat ingeniariren eskuetara heldu zen asmakizunak, 25 hazbeteko definizio altuko pantailaren erabilera eskaini zien erosleei 1.500 milioi dolarren truke. Ideia berri honen […]
17 de enero, 2014 | Udane Ibarzabal
Carly Stern and Ruby Madren-Britton writers in Glamour magazine have been talking about some really funny fashion facts like where does the english hat tradition come from, the origin of the thong […]
Celtic invasion of Greece; Succes or failure?
17 de enero, 2014 | Ibon Arzua
The celtic invasion of Greece during the early years of the 3rd century BC has spurred a great deal of controversy. Many historians and schollars deem it a crushing defeat of the invading force since they failed to stablish a permanent presence within central Greece. But was it their purpose? Other schollars consider that the […]