Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Kandinsky, VASSILY

11 de mayo, 2012 |

Vasily Kandinsky (1866-1944) Moskun jaio zen artista dugu. Oso gaztetatik, bere gurasoek semeak koloreen, hitzen eta soinuen aurrean aparteko abilezia, sentsibilitatea eta talentua zuela ohartuta, eta bere heziketari jartzen zioten arreta bereziari esker, Kandinskyk gustuko zuen hori garatu eta sendotu ahal izan zuen berak berezko zuen talentua. Hala ere, hogeita bederatzi urte izan arte itxaron […]

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SESB eta EEBB arteko lehia espaziala Wikipedian ikusgai

10 de mayo, 2012 |

Lehia espazialak barnean hartu zuen garaia Wikipedian batzea ez da batere erraza. Aldi honen 25 urteak artikulu batean pilatzea gatza suertatzen da. Izan ere, Guda Hotzako bi superpotentzien lehia basati honek eragina izan zuen era desberdinetako hainbat alderdietan: ekonomian, gizartean, teknologian, zientzian eta batez ere politikan. Ez zen kohete baten jaurtiketa hutsa, postulatu eta ideologia […]

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David Hockney eta photocollage-ak

10 de mayo, 2012 |

Ondorengo posta David Hockney artista ingelesari buruzkoa da. Artista honen erakusketa irekiko du laister Bilboko Guggenheim museoak eta post honetan bera ezagutzeko hainbat pasartez hitz egiten da. Besteak beste, argazkigintzako bere hastapenez, entzumenean izandako galeraz edota  bere obra batez. David Hockney 1937an jaio zen Bradford, Yorkshire-n.  Gurasoek eragin handia izan zuten beregan. Bere aita ezaguna […]

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Posting in Wikipedia: An adventure

10 de mayo, 2012 |

One of the projects we must achieve in Information Management was the creation, or, in my case, the translation of an article of the English Wikipedia to the Basque Wikipedia. Firs of all we were asked to write a draft in Information Management´s webpage, where we basicly translate all the text, without caring about the […]

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Digital curation, babes digitala

9 de mayo, 2012 |

Digital curation kontzeptuak oraindik garatzen dirau; definizio  zehatz bat ematea zaila bada ere,  ”Digital Curation and Trusted Repositories: Steps toward Success”-en Christopher A. Lee eta Helen R. Tibbo-k hurrengo esanahia eman diote: Digital curation involves selection and appraisal by creators and archivists; evolving provision of intellectual access; redundant storage; data transformations; and, for some materials, a commitment to long-term preservation. Digital curation […]

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Digital curation, babes digitala

9 de mayo, 2012 |

Digital curation kontzeptuak oraindik garatzen dirau; definizio  zehatz bat ematea zaila bada ere,  ”Digital Curation and Trusted Repositories: Steps toward Success”-en Christopher A. Lee eta Helen R. Tibbo-k hurrengo esanahia eman diote: Digital curation involves selection and appraisal by creators and archivists; evolving provision of intellectual access; redundant storage; data transformations; and, for some materials, a commitment to long-term preservation. Digital curation […]

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Wikipedia: Comunidad educativa

8 de mayo, 2012 |

Wiki es una palabra hawaiana que quiere decir “rápido”; sin embargo, su significado a cambiado gracias al surgimiento de la web 2.0 porque , actualmente, esta palabra se relaciona con páginas electrónicas que se editan en linea a traves de múltiples usuarios. La más famosa es Wikipedia: “wiki” (escrito en comunidad) y “pedia” del griego padeia (educación). […]

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Community of Communities

7 de mayo, 2012 |

This semester one of the activities was to publish an article in Wikipedia. At first, our group didn’t know if to create a new article or to translate an article done before to basque. After thinking for some days, we decided that we will translate a english article into basque, but the next deal was […]

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The Iranian Conflict

7 de mayo, 2012 |

If we asked any Iranian about their country, they would tell us about the beautiful city of Shiraz, where the alcohol was invented[1] and where some of the best wines in the world were produced. They would mention Khayyam and Rumi. They would confess that, by nature, Iranians are not aggressive at all. After finding […]

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The Wikipedia experience

4 de mayo, 2012 |

Taking part in Wikipedia has been an unforgettable experience. It is quite an experience to notice that so many people try hard to make Wikipedia a serious and intellectual encyclopedia. If something is not written as an encyclopedia, they do state that it should be written in another way, and it is great to see that […]

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Writing about a writter

4 de mayo, 2012 |

Nora Roberts is a bestselling American author that has fought to erase the women’s stereotypes. She fought against “machismo” or “machoism” through her novels and she took part in this fight in hard times in which being a female writter was absolutely strange. We think that she has been one of the pioneers of the […]

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The locomotive and the astray carriages

4 de mayo, 2012 |

Economic crisis and international reations Hereby I do not intended to do a paradigmatic paper in the study of the crisis in relation to politics and international diplomacy, as well as I do not trust the plethora of ominous books promising to give the solution to the crisis. Notwithstanding, I would like to arouse the […]

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