Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Jean Baudrillard and Le Système des objets

3 de mayo, 2012 |

A multifaceted man, Jean Baudrillard was a French sociologist, philosopher, cultural theorist, political commentator, and photographer. His life and ideas will be subject of examination in the following post. He mostly analyzed the way technological progress affects social change, but his work has been rich and productive in general. Le Système des objets has been […]

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Google Books, bi ikasleren erronka

3 de mayo, 2012 |

Google badakigu zer den, sareko web bilatzailerik hoberena, alegia; baina, Google Books-ez galdetzen digutenean, ikara aurpegia baino ez dute aurkituko erantzun gisa. Jendeak jakin dezan, Google Books,laburki esanda, sarean liburu askotako testu osoak ikusteko aukera ematen duen zerbitzua da. Sergey Brin-ek eta Larry Page-k, Google-ko sortzaileek, 1996an hasi zuten proiektu baten emaitza da. Hauek, liburutegi […]

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Hyperreality, or excessively real reality

3 de mayo, 2012 |

According to Wiley, hyperreality refers to the paradoxical concept of a reality that is experienced as excessively real – it describes phenomena that are deemed to be more real than the real itself. As Wikipedia explains, hyperreality is used in semiotics and postmodern philosophy to describe a hypothetical inability of consciousness to distinguish reality from […]

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Christmas uhartearen turismo orrialde ofiziala

1 de mayo, 2012 |

“Dena den, nahiz eta lan asko dauden euskaraz, erabiltzaile gehiagoren parte-hartzea lortzea oso beharrezkotzat jotzen dute euskarazko Wikipediaren alde lanean dihardutenek” argitaratu zuen Gazteaukera blog-ak bere Euskazko Wikipedia aberastuz artikuluan. 2001eko abenduaren 6an argitara atera zen Euskarazko Wikipedia edo Euskal Wikipediaren 122.327 artikuluetako bat izan da gure hautaketa: Christmas uhartea. Gaztelera zein ingelesesko orrialde bera, euskarazkoa baino […]

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Jean Baudrillard and the simulation

24 de abril, 2012 |

Jean Baudrillard was a French sociologist, philosopher, cultural theorist, political commentator and photographer that was born in 1929 in Reims and died in 2007.  He used to move around the area of postmodernism and post-structuralism. In the next lines, some of his most important ideas about reality will be explained. Jean Baudrillard wrote many books and “Simulacra […]

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A documented Space Race

27 de marzo, 2012 |

The one who insists on hitting a rock on the moon will not get it, but will end up knowing how to handle the slingshot.                                           Arabian proverb This proverb sums up the spirit that in the decade of 1960 to 195o led the two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union to start a […]

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USA vs USSR: a struggle for world supremacy

27 de marzo, 2012 |

“I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none […]

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El diario de Noako pertsonaiak

27 de marzo, 2012 |

El Diario de Noahko informazio iturriei dagokienez, aipatu beharra dago, maitasun historio honek izugarrizko arrakasta izan duela mundu osoan barrena eta zer esan asko dagoela. Film hau, Carolinako Iparraldean kokatzen da, eta protagonista bezala Allie Hamilton eta Noah Calouhn dira, hain zuzen ere, 40. hamarkadan kokaturiko maitasun historio baten azterketa. Bertan erakusten da, gizarte-maila eta […]

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Jean Baudrillard, discouraging philosopher

27 de marzo, 2012 |

“El simulacro no es lo que oculta la verdad. Es la verdad la que oculta que no hay verdad. El simulacro es verdadero”, Jean Baudrillard. Jean Baudrillard was a French philosopher and sociologist who focused on the contemporary society. In his first book El sistema de los objetos (1968), he tried to apply the concepts […]

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Nick Cassavetes-ek El diario de Noa filmaren zuzendari

27 de marzo, 2012 |

Nick Cassavetes, El diario de Noa filma zuzendu zuen. Zinemaren munduko familiako zuzendari eta aktore honek, 2004an estreinaturiko historia pantaila handira eramatea lotu zuen, 40. hamarkadaraino denboran bidaiatuz. Aukeratutako bi iturriak oso baliagarriak dira, izan ere, ez dute Nick Cassavetes-en nondik norakoak soilean azaltzen, haren lanen kritika zehatza egiten dute, eta horrek, ikusegi kritiko horrek, […]

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15-M Movement “Indignados”

27 de marzo, 2012 |

More than 10,000 protesters gathered last May in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol square to demand jobs, economic equality, and “real democracy”, that in some way were quite similar to Middle East uprisings. Much of the movement was coordinated by the youth organization “Democracia Real Ya” or online, which has used the cry of: “We’re not […]

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Chinese Cinema, Spring Subway

27 de marzo, 2012 |

The sources selected for our Wikipeida article for the subject Infomation Management are all related to Chinese cinema. These sources are valid and important because they all mention and explain different points of view about making Chinese movies as well as the evolution of this kind of cinema. The most representative author is Rey Chow, Whose book “Sentimental fabulations contamporary […]

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