Polisitemen teoriari buruz mintzatzen da Even-Zohar Itamar Even-Zohar 2005 POLYSYSTEM THEORY izenburua duen artikuluan. Artikuluan bertan, egun, fenomeno semiotikoa zertan datzan azaltzen du eta hauxe da honi buruz dioena: The idea that socio-semiotic phenomena, i.e., sign-governed human patterns of communication (such as culture, language, literature), could more adequately be understood and studied if regarded as systems rather than conglomerates of […]
Itamar Even-Zohar: polisistemen teoria
20 de marzo, 2012 | Nagore Garayoa
Ferrari´s digital identity
20 de marzo, 2012 | Javier Mínguez
The aim of this post is to recover some of the main references of the article that I have been working on in order to explain the reason of their choice. The article from which the refereces are obtained is called Ferrari´s digital identity and is present on the web page of Wiki Littera Deusto. […]
Semantic Network according to John F. Sowa
19 de marzo, 2012 | Aitor Zelaia
John Florian Sowa is the computer scientist who invented conceptual graphs, a graphic notation for logic and natural language, based on the structures in semantic networks and on the existential graphs of Charles S. Peirce. John F. Sowa said: “A semantic network or net is a graphic notation for representing knowledge in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs.” He is […]
Getting close to Google Scholar
19 de marzo, 2012 | Xabier Arrieta
When we are thinking on writing an academic document, we are asked -and must- to use reliable information sources, that is where Google Scholar can help us. This information management tool search internet in order to find acamedic works related with the topics you ask to. One of the features which make Google Scholar such […]
Protecting Ownership
19 de marzo, 2012 | Alba Garmendia
”A lot of information is available to you on the Internet. But the fact that you can access that information does not mean it is proper or safe to use it any way you want” (Freedman, Jeri: “Intellectual Property“). The writer Jeri Freedman has dealt with the issue of intellectual property in her book “Cyber […]
Brad Pitt
18 de marzo, 2012 | Andrea Calabozo
Brad Pitt has had a very large career as a actor, and he still has it. As it is said in the article of the New York Times, “Mr. Pitt has been a star first and an actor second.” He has done really good films as Troy, Mr and Mrs Smith, Thelma and Louise or […]
Testu antolatzaileak edo lotura-hitzak
18 de marzo, 2012 | maribeltz
Antolatzaileak testu barneko elementuak eta ideiak lotzen dituzten hitzak edo hitz multzoak dira. Ahoz zein idatziz erabili daitezke eta koherentzia ematen diote testuari. Testu honen bidez, lotura-hitzen erabilera egokiak ezagutuko ditugu geure testu propioak eratzerakoan erabili ahal izateko. Lehenik eta … Sigue leyendo →
Spring Subway
15 de marzo, 2012 | Montserrat Fuente Camacho
Las Fuentes seleccionadas para nuestro trabajo sobre cine chino y en concreto la película Spring Subway (primavera en el metro) son relevantes porque cada una de las personas que hemos recogido son grandes conocedores de la materia. Por ejemplo Paul Clark ha escrito sobre cine chino y sobre la cultura y la política de este […]
El traductor del Gobierno Vasco
2 de marzo, 2012 | Joseba Abaitua
El martes 28 de febrero de 2012 por fin se presentó el traductor automático del Gobierno Vasco y como era de esperar se han suscitado multitud de comentarios, en general negativos. En mi calidad de participante en el desarrollo y estudioso de la disciplina, deseo aportar información acerca de tres aspectos fundamentales: la calidad, la […]
Yingjin Zhang, Spring Subway and Chinese cinema
28 de febrero, 2012 | Jone Vicente
The sources selected when describing the movie Spring Subway, have been all written by people who know about the subject of Chinese cinema. Yingjin Zhang, who wrote the book Chinese national cinema, is an Associate Professor of Chinese, Comparative Literature, and Film Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington, so not only is he Chinese, but knows about […]
Teoria literarioaz eta kulturalaz Itamar Even-Zohar-ekin
28 de febrero, 2012 | Itziar Murgiondo
Dora Sales Salvador eta Itamar Even-Zoharren arteko elkarrizketari buruzkoa da iruzkin hau. Teoria literarioaz eta kulturalaz jarduten dira, besteak beste, Even-Zoharren “Polisistemen teoria” eta teoria horren barnean itzulpengintzak hartzen duen garrantzia hartzen dute hizpide. Dora Sales Salvador Ingles Filologian lizentziatua eta Itzulpengintza eta Interpretazioan doktorea da. Hainbat lan itzuli ditu, besteak beste, Vidram Chandra edota […]
Gerry Coutler: Baudrillard’s Marx
28 de febrero, 2012 | Jon Mentxakatorre
Jean Baudrillard was a French philosopher and sociologist, a cultural critic and theorist of postmodernity, who, unfortunetly, died in 2007. He left a huge work composed by many books, articles and essays, and he is common known, among other things, for analyzing critically Marx‘s ideas. Marx believed that in economics and its dialectical procedure he […]