The terra-cotta warriors and the horses are one of the most important archeological discoveries of the last century. They were discovered in 1974 by some people digging in Xi’an. Therse soldiers are made of clay and seem to be ready … Conti…
7 de enero, 2014 | Garazi Arana
The 5 Most Beautiful Places in the World
7 de enero, 2014 | Ana García
There are some places around the world that all of us must visit. Anyway, if people don’t travel everytime it’s impossible to know this type of places. Everywhere is possible to find beautiful and spectacular places. Here you can see … Continue reading →
Arzak: an excellent example of success of Basque cuisine
7 de enero, 2014 | Aleh Davydou
As Staff Sexenio says in his post “Arzak: el ícono de la nueva cocina vasca”, restaurant “Arzak” is one of the most important and meaningful symbols of Basque gastronomy in the XXI century. From generation to generation, this family has … Continue reading →
SAGARDOETXEA: the past, present and future of the exciting world of the apple, the “sagardoa” and its cultural significance in Euskal Herria.
7 de enero, 2014 | Naiara Vázquez
Next to the Apple Orchard, as it is stated in the blog Kulturweb, it is found the Sagardoetxea museum space, a closed center equipped with all the resources and the most advanced technologies, which through computer panels, interactive material, photos … Continue reading →
The perfect jean exists
6 de enero, 2014 | Ainhoa García de Vicuña
Yves Saint Laurent often said: “I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular, the most practical, the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression, modesty, sex appeal, simplicity […]
The subversive fashion of Brian Lichtenberg
6 de enero, 2014 | Miriam Navas
Brian Lichtenber is a designer that gave a little poking fun with his subversive fashion to the fashion industry that tends to take itself a little too seriously. The ambassador […]
Fifty Shades Of Grey, the trilogy of the 21st Century
4 de enero, 2014 | Begoña Aguirre
Zoe Williams, a journalist for The Guardian newspaper, wrote about the Fifty Shades of Grey from E.L. James, in July …
3 de enero, 2014 | urtziegiguren
Arratieko zekorra, txikie baia gogorra. Bizkaiko hegoaldean bada haran ahastu bat Arratia harana dela. Eskualde hau euskalduna da, Bizkaiko haranik euskaldunetarikoa, Lea-Artibain ondorengoa, behar bada. Euskara da erabiltzen den lehen hizkuntza eta horregatik ni bizi nazen haranaren hizkerari buruz berba egingo dut: arratiera. Artea … Continue reading →
3 de enero, 2014 | alexartabe
José Santos de la Iglesia Ugartek bere “Itxina: toponimia,paisaia bizipena” liburuan esango lukeen bezala Itxina Gorbeia mendilerroaren bihotza da, Gorbeiaren arima magikoa. 1995. urtean haran karstiko eder hau Biotopo babestu bezala izendatu zuten eta bere txoko maitagarriek bizitza bor-borrean dute bazter … Continue reading →
Shakespearren euskarazko itzulpena
3 de enero, 2014 | Claudia Lopez
El Pais dioen bezala, ”Eguneratutako Hamlet bat biratuko du hurrengo hilabeteetan hogeita hamar kokapen euskaldunetik. Hiru konpainia jarriko dute eszenan Xabier Mendiguren egin duen Shakespearen bertsioa.” Mendigurenek esan duen arabera, Shakespearen katalan eta gaztelerazko itzulpenez aparte, euskarazko itzulpenak ere badaude; Hamletenak, hain zuzen (Bingen Ametzaga, 1952, Juan Garcia Garmendia, 2002 eta Miguel Prez Romero, 1993). Shakespearen itzulpenak […]
Irudi subliminalak
3 de enero, 2014 | Ariadna Rodriguez
Publizitate subliminala ez da gaur eguneko gauza, 1957 urtetik abian dago. Marcela Orozkok argitaratu duenez Todo Marketing web orrialdean, James Vicary-k publizitatea asaldatu zuen, ikus-entzunetako arlora bideratzean. Hartzaileari iragarpenaren mezua nolabait, beste modu batez heltzen lortuz: mezu izkutu baten bidez. Pubizitate mota hau ugariagoa … Continue reading →
Getting to know some of the best chefs in the Basque Country
2 de enero, 2014 | Irati Hurtado
The Basque Country is the Spanish region with the largest number of Michelin Stars in the food sphere. The question that arises here is: why is food so important for Basque people? As María José Sevilla claims in her book … Continue reading →