Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


septiembre 24th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios


 Why is important to learn linguistics?

Linguistics is a science that is related to everything that has to do with the language and it also analyzes the origin and the rules of it. The language is also studied as a system and it uses different levels like the phonetic level, the morphological level, the syntactical level, the lexical level and the semantic level.

Taking into account this definition, we can say that the study of this science is really important in our lives because with it we can know better a language, the origins of the words, the spelling, the sounds of the letters… And not only our own language, but the different ones we are studying too.

In my opinion, is essential to understand the linguistics so this way people can know how to use a language in a proper way. For that we must have some basic knowledge on it. I think that this is the reason why in schools the syntactical, semantical and the lexical levels are teached.

As a conclusion I can say that this science is really important not only in an academical way but only in our every day lives, because language is used by everybody everyday so it is important to know how to use it.



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