Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

(; 2008-10-08 05:22:07

octubre 8th, 2008 · No hay Comentarios

Hi! I am not sure about who’s going to check this kind of blog, but if you do, please, don’t worry, I am not a very good writer, and my posts are not going to be very good ones. i just wanted you to know that! now you’re warned ;), let’s continue with this post. my first one.

My name’s Ana. I’m a 17 year-old student; I study English Filology. Well, i don’t know really what to talk about (please understand me, this is my first time!) so i’ll talk about an universal and interesting topic: me (just joking!). well, I love music, and I’ll write about that here. But the thing I love the most, my ’secret passion’ if you want to name it that way is photography. I really love it! i also like sports, well, not all of them, but some. I practise athletics, so I spend most of my time running and jumping, and those things.. :) well, that’s early in the morning, i haven’t had breakfast yet so I have to leave this! but don’t worry, I’ll be back as soon as our teacher tells us to write someting!



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