Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde marzo 2009

Meraka institutoa

marzo 3rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Meraka institutoa

Badaude pertsona ezberdin asko gaur egun “Gizakion hizkuntzen teknologiak” zer diren aztertzen dutenak eta honen inguruan jarduten dutenak. Nik bereziki aipagarria iruditu zaidan baten inguruko artikulua idatziko dut, Meraka institutoari buruz, eta gero eta gehiago garatzen ari diren teknologia hauei buruzko institutu honen iritzia emango dut, bai eta zelan lagun dezakeen honek herrialdeen garapenean ere.
 Human Language Technology (HLT)-ek […]

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Questionnaire 1: Hans Uszkoreit (Researchers) (I)

marzo 3rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 1: Hans Uszkoreit (Researchers) (I)

This term we are studying Human Language Technologies (HLT) and for that reason I have published in the previous posts some definitions that I found useful to gain a good insight into this topic. However, I think it is the time to meet some of the most important researchers, scholars and professors on this field.
The first […]

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Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (Expert opinions) (II)

marzo 3rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (Expert opinions) (II)

We continue quoting definitions of what Human Language Technology (HLT) is, expressed by authorised scholars and institutions in order to gain a real insight into this interesting topic. In this second post, as we have previously published Hans Uszkoreit’s thesis, we are going to make a reference to an HLT definition by a renowned university.

The […]

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marzo 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Percursor

The last line of the two final

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Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (Expert opinions) (I)

marzo 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (Expert opinions) (I)

Now that we have a general idea of what Human Language Technology (HLT) is, we are going to quote some definitions on this very same topic that relevant scholars and institutions have previously published in order to clarify our concepts
The first definition that we are going to present was given by one of the […]

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Human Language Techonolgies

marzo 2nd, 2009 · Comments Off on Human Language Techonolgies

Language technology (Hizkuntzen teknologia)  “Human language technology” (HLT) edo “natural language processing” (NLP) bezala ezagutua izan da maiz. Honek ordenadoreen linguistikak eta berba teknologiak ditu ardatz baina beste aplikazio asko dauzka bere baitan baita ere, haien aspektu ezberdinei begira daudenak.  Hizkuntzen teknologia ordenadoreen zientziari dago estuki lotuta bai eta linguistika orokorrari ere.

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Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (General overview)

marzo 1st, 2009 · Comments Off on Questionnaire 1: What is Human Language Technology? (General overview)

When we talk about Human Language Technology (also known as HLT) we are referring to a field of computer science in which through the help of some computational devices or software programs we are allowed to communicate with a machine in order to obtain a piece of required information.
The main aim of Language Technology […]

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