Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Serantes Kultur Aretoa on the net?

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Serantes Kultur Aretoa on the net?

Javier Gosende explains that on Facebook is possible to advertise a bussiness which will be seen by millions of users who come daily to see new things in their account. Facebook can become viral marketing channel for our advertisement message due to the ease form of expansion that gives the possibility of arriving to different […]

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diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Impressionism

As the colourful and original french artist Hernri Matisse said once, “Impressionism is the newspaper of the soul”. Some kind of soul may have this art style because today, Impressionist paintings are some of the best-known and best-loved in all art the collections. According to Margaret Samu, Postdoctoral Fellow at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, […]

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BBC’s Web Communication Plan

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on BBC’s Web Communication Plan

The BBC is the principal public service transmitted in the United Kingdom. Moreover, it is the largest broadcasting corporative in the world. Its global success is partly due to its ability and willingness to adapt to new technologies, such as digital networks. This attitude responds to the increasingly demand of an interactive and participant communication […]

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Gizarteko beste hainbat alorretan gertatu den legez, liburutegiek ere aldaketak jasan dituzte teknologia berrien agerpen eta hedapenarekin. Artikulu honen bitartez liburutegi elektronikoen, liburutegi digitalen eta liburutegi birtualen arteko desberdintasunak zeintzuk diren azaltzen ahaleginduko naiz. Liburutegi elektronikoek ekipo mikroelektronikoak eta telekomunikazio instalazioak dauzkate, eta sistema hauek direla eta erraztasun handiz administra ditzakete gordetzen dituzten materialak, gehienbat […]

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Ainhize 2010-12-22 23:12:39

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Ainhize 2010-12-22 23:12:39

Esto tiene telarañas ya. Y mis posts desaparecen. Y ¿qué clase de mierda es esta?     vi ses, si algún día esto se decide a cooperar, actualizaré más y (puede que) mejor.

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Busti zaitez euskal kulturaz Durangoko azokan!

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Busti zaitez euskal kulturaz Durangoko azokan!

Durangoko euskal liburu eta disko azoka ezta edonolako azoka arrunta, ez horixe! Urtez uzte Durangoko Landako erakustazokan egiten den 4000 metro karratuko euskal kulturaz jositako eremu paregabea da. Azoka hau Durangoko Landako Erakustazokan izaten da urtez urte eta aurtengoa 45.edizioa izan da. Azokaren Web orrialdeak Gerediaga Elkartearen laguntza izan du besteak beste, eta honek ere […]

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PepsiCo Inc., a model company in web communication

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on PepsiCo Inc., a model company in web communication

Are social networks relevant in business communications? The success of social networking is undeniable with 550 million users of Facebook, 2,000 million YouTube videos watched per day and 65 million tweets per day. These figures show the potential of social networking and the Internet for marketing purposes. No other advertising medium provides the same potential and […]

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Biblioteca electrónica, digital y virtual

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Biblioteca electrónica, digital y virtual

Debido al desarrollo tenológico incluso las bibliotecas han cambiado, adaptándose así a los nuevos tiempos. Antes la biblioteca era considerada un local en el que se tienen guardados un considerable número de libros para la lectura pero hoy en dia esa definición han cambiado, o se ha extendido. Biblioteca electrónica: Esta biblioteca difiera de la […]

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diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Tropela

Txirrindularitzari buruzko informazio guztia euskaraz ematen duen orrialdea da Tropela. Bertan, apostuak egiten dira, apostu horietako garaileek sariak izaten dituzte. Parte hartzea ez da ordaindu behar eta 2005. urtean, 3000 pertsonak baino gehiagok hartu zuten parte Tourreko porretan horretan parte hartzeko erabiltzailea izan behar zara nahi baldin baduzue sartu hemen eta ikusi ze arau bete […]

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Web Communication Plan – HÓ 2.0

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Web Communication Plan – HÓ 2.0

This is a post based on my report analyzing the Web Communication Plan of Alhóndiga Bilbao . It have explored and explained how this company uses its social network facilities, such as Facebook or Twitter, and how it manages and functions its own official web-site. I have chosen Alhóndiga Bilbao because of its HÓ 2.0 plan […]

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Eitb´s official website

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Eitb´s official website

“This isn’t a direct marketing tool, this is human communication.” Rob Key Euskal Irrati Telebista (Rad io Televisión Vasca), is a consortium dependent of the Basque Parliament. It is deeply involved in the Web, profiting from tools such as social networks as Facebook or Twitter and being even present in blogs, Youtube or Flick. However, […]

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Eventosfera, an organization for event lovers.

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Eventosfera, an organization for event lovers.

Eventosfera es una empresa que esta ligada al mundo del marketing digital, del SEO, de la organización de eventos, incentivos y del periodismo. Y por lo tanto saben lo difícil que es tener visibilidad en la red, la promoción de su trabajo y la difusión del mismo. Esta empresa promociona que la promocion es la estimulacion. Eventosfera es […]

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