Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Facebook groups and pages

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Facebook groups and pages

Digital Networking has recently become a world-wide phenomenon. Facebook is one of the most used social network with more than 500 million active users. It provides them several ways to share information. Apart from creating a personal profile, users may join common Groups and become fan of Pages related to their interests. But, what are […]

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Do we live in a Multicultural World?

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Do we live in a Multicultural World?

The answer to this question is yes we do, one of the subjects that people on Deusto University is studying is Multiculturalism and Intercultural Dialogue. In this subject we study that nowadays the reality in most Western countries is highly diverse and multicultural. The students study that the ethnic diversity has produced all kinds o […]

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Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa (EHHA)

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa (EHHA)

Euskarazko hitzen aldaerak tokian toki ikusi nahi al dituzu? Ba al zenekien bi liburuki potolo daudela  aldaera horien jakinmina asebetetzeko?  Michelle Colinek dioen bezala Post-etan argitaratzen duzuna  zeu zara. Eta niri asko interesatzen zaidanez euskarak dituen aldaerak, horretaz mintzatu nahiz oraingoan. “Euskararen Herri Hizkeren Atlasa (EHHA)” argitalpena da arestian aipatu dudan euskararen aldaerak plazaratzen dituen liburu bilduma. Bi […]

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Higher English for Comunication ikasgaia

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on Higher English for Comunication ikasgaia

Aurten lehenengo seihilekoan dugun ikasgaik interresgarriena, nire uste apalean. Pasadan urtean “English Skills I eta II” delako ikasgaietan ikasitakoa beharrezkoa da, ikasgai hau, haien jarraipena baita. Irakasle desberdina dugu baina lan egiteko era berean jarraitzen dugu, konplexutasun eta exigentzia maila handiago batera egokitua, noski. “Higher English for Comunication” ikasgaiaren helburua, izen berak adierazten duen bezala, […]

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In the skin of a lion

diciembre 22nd, 2010 · Comments Off on In the skin of a lion

Michael Ondaatje‘s In the skin of a lion is a re-evaluation of Toronto’s history. Throughout the novel the reader is told about several public works carried out during the early 20th century, such as the Bloor Street Viaduct and the Water Treatment Plant. The depiction of these landmarks, however, is made from the perspective of the European […]

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