Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Promised Land

julio 14th, 2011 · Comments Off on Promised Land

“The promised land“ is a book writen by Mary Antin. In this novel the author talks about the main differences that she saw when she emigrated from Russia to the United States.  The main themes of the story are the immigration and also the process that the immigrant take to become citizens of a different country: This is an important […]

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My web comunication plan WikiLeaks y Cablegate

julio 14th, 2011 · Comments Off on My web comunication plan WikiLeaks y Cablegate

WikiLeaks y Cablegate ejemplifican la verdadera fuerza de las redes sociales y de las cibercomunidades, que al fin y al cabo son los que hacen poderosas estas herramientas. Antes de empezar a crear un blog sobre My Web Communication Plan quería encontrar una organización, privada o pública, en la que pudiéramos ver la verdadera importancia […]

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