Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The importance of the woman in the society

febrero 4th, 2014 · Comments Off on The importance of the woman in the society

The role of the women nowadays is very important becuase somehow all the society needs to now how is the role of the women through the different cultures in the […]

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Barakaldo, Siglo XX

febrero 4th, 2014 · Comments Off on Barakaldo, Siglo XX

Segun las palabras del experto  Mikel Aizpuru Murua afirma en su libro: “Barakaldo: Historia del siglo XX(1900-1937). Auge de una ciudad industrial de la margen izquierda” que el Barakaldo industrial comienza  con la fusion de las tres empresas que formaron Altos Hornos de Vizcaya, a partir de entonces la anteiglesia de vizcaína se transformó en […]

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How is the ‘Notion of Woman’ constructed?

febrero 4th, 2014 · Comments Off on How is the ‘Notion of Woman’ constructed?

Women have been alienated from their collective experience because of the denial of women’s history’s existence, so it was difficult for them to develop in a group. Women thought they […]

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How is the ‘Notion of Woman’ constructed?

febrero 4th, 2014 · Comments Off on How is the ‘Notion of Woman’ constructed?

Women have been alienated from their collective experience because of the denial of women’s history’s existence, so it was difficult for them to develop in a group. Women thought they […]

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