Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Witchcraft in History

diciembre 20th, 2011 · Comments Off on Witchcraft in History

Witchcraft is a very common characteristic of almost every culture and society in the whole world. Many cultures have stories about witches, supernatural creatures and demons; all of them related to mythology. And Europe is not an exception. Every region and country has seen this topic in different ways, but all of them have lots […]

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Twitter: sorrera, oraina eta geroa

diciembre 20th, 2011 · Comments Off on Twitter: sorrera, oraina eta geroa

Artikulu honen bitartez Twitter mundu mailako sare sozialaren sorrera aztertzeaz gain (zein testuingurutan sortu zen, etab.), gaur egun bizi duen egoeraren berri emango dut (dela bere arrakastaren zergatiak, dela hedabideekin duen harremana, besteak beste). Gainera, egungo egoera oinarri harturik eta hainbait adituren iritzi zein aurreikuspenak kontutan izanik, Twitter sare sozialak aurrerantzean gara dezakeen etorkizuna izango […]

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How Guggenheim Museum Bilbao uses Web Communication Tools

diciembre 13th, 2011 · Comments Off on How Guggenheim Museum Bilbao uses Web Communication Tools

I’m going to analyze how the worldwide well-known Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, one of the four contemporary art museums belonging to Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, makes use of several and diverse Web Communication tools or channels to promote its activity.  Guggenheim Museum Bilbao was founded in 1997 as an indispensable part of a revitalization plan for the […]

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