The aim of this post is to recover some of the main references of the article that I have been working on in order to explain the reason of their choice. The article from which the refereces are obtained is called Ferrari´s digital identity and is present on the web page of Wiki Littera Deusto. […]
Ferrari´s digital identity
marzo 20th, 2012 · Comments Off on Ferrari´s digital identity
Electric engines for automobiles. Are they the accurate choice?
diciembre 12th, 2011 · Comments Off on Electric engines for automobiles. Are they the accurate choice?
Do you ever think about how cars would be in the future? As Joan Ratera says, nowadays the world of automobilism is experimenting an enormous change because of the price of petrol and enviromental reasons. According to Laura Biela these reasons are ashaming the use of renewables instead of petrol to reduce the consumption of […]
Collective intelligence and shared memory in internet may help improving intercultural relations
diciembre 7th, 2011 · Comments Off on Collective intelligence and shared memory in internet may help improving intercultural relations
The concept of collective intelligence emerged in the late 1990 from the work of theorist as Pierre Lévy, Douglas Hofstadter, Peter Russell, Tom Atlee, Howard Bloom and others. This idea comes from the cooperation of individuals from one species. This kind of intelligence refers to sociology, business and computer science. Collective intelligence and memory are terms that in many cases are related to […]
How social networks may influence our digital identities
noviembre 30th, 2011 · Comments Off on How social networks may influence our digital identities
Do you ever think how social networks influence our lifes? There are plenty of issues related to the activity of this kind of networks, as for example the nature of our digital identities. These identities are influenced by the workstyle of social networks. Tomás Delclós shows how some companies use them to promote their products or share information […]