Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Electric engines for automobiles. Are they the accurate choice?

diciembre 12th, 2011 · No hay Comentarios

Do you ever think about how cars would be in the future? As Joan Ratera says, nowadays the world of automobilism is experimenting an enormous change because of the price of petrol and enviromental reasons. According to Laura Biela these reasons are ashaming the use of renewables instead of petrol to reduce the consumption of energy. The use of electric engines in automobilism seems a very good idea to be respectfull with some of the measures stablished in the Kioto protocol with regard to the pollution that the most developed nations are creating and also for improve the efficiency of the vehicles.

“No sólo estamos creando nuevos empleos, sino que estamos alentando a nuevas industrias que asegurarán nuestra competitividad para las próximas décadas, industrias como la de fabricación de automóviles” Barack Obama

As Nery Alejandro Roncal Vásquez says,  is necesary a glipse to the past to make a great vision to the future. It is very difficult to guess the changes of the future without the knowledge of past.

According to the information obtained from “biografiasyvidas”, the first automobile was created by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot in 1769 . This first machine was provided with a very obsolete kind of inside combustion engine that is known as steam engine, that produces steam by the combustion of coal. The huge weigth and a very hard mechanism of direction made the first car crash of history during its first exposure to public.

Some years later, the 1st of january of 1886 Carl Benz made the fist car fed by petrol starting a new rememorable year ( because of the fact that this was the year when companies like Coca Cola, University of Deusto or Mercedes-Benz appeared) with his wife and a new promising engine.

From 1908 to 1927, Henry Ford developed the assembly that changed the production method of cars. Here we can see a video where the new procedure is shown.

Later on, in the decade of the 1970´s, the german company Volkswagen-Audi started to addapt diesel engines to ordinary cars for reduce consumption. This kind of engines had been used before for transport of goods by ships or trucks with regard to get a lower cost of transport. The success of the TDI was a turbo powered engine fed by diesel thougth electronic inyection (another novelty that reduced the comsuption, face to the obsolete carburation) that increased the efficiency hugely and become in the most common engine since then. Nowadays the group Volkswagen-Audi is getting an amount of achievements at different championships thanks to TDI engines.

In this video is shown an example of an TDI engine. This is not an usual one, it is the twelve cylinder with and V distribution engine that was the winner of the Le Mans championship of resistance thanks to its efficience consumption.

One of the ultimate novelties with regard to researching new methods of saving energy is the introduccion of hybrid technology. This is a little electric engine engaged to an intenal combustion engine, normally fed by gasoline. The electric engines can work with or without a combustion engine. However, the electric cars need to be improved because of their elevate weight, but according to some stadistics they would be the answer to the efficiency of vehicles. Nevertheless, there is already a huge lack of reseach in this field.


Coches híbridos. (2011, 22 de noviembre). Motorpasión. Fecha del consulta: noviembre 18,2011 desde

La primera patente del automóvil. autosclásicoshistóricos. Fecha de consulta: noviembre 18, 2011 desde

Concesionarios-industria, la polémica está servida. (2011, 19 de noviembre). Motorpasiónfuturo. Fecha de consulta: 17:51, noviembre 23, 2011 desde

Las baterias eléctricas serán las protagonistas. (2009, 02 de septiembre). Noticias.coches. Fecha de consulta: 18:03, noviembre 23, 2011 desde

History of the automobile, the first steam machines that replaced the horse vehicles. (2010). Fecha de consulta: 21:07 noviembre 28, 2011. desde

Filed under: History Tagged: car, Carl Benz, cars, Henry Ford, renewables, technology


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