Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Digital Libraries

octubre 9th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

As wikipedia says a digital library is a library where collections are stored in digital formats and accesible by computers. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system.

Some examples of digital libraries:

The Digital Library of the Caribbean (dLOC): It was established by a committee of librarians, scholars and archivists at a meeting held in San Juan, Puerto Rico, on July 17 2004. They had the aim of building a cooperative digital library among partners within the Caribbean providing at the same time open online access to Caribbean cultural, historical and scientific materials to scholars, students and citizens. This digital library is associated with the Florida International University, the University of the Virgin Islands and the University of Florida.

 Most of the contents of this digital library are primarily made up of items digitalized on-side by partner istitutions. It has also collaborated with partners to acquire funding both for state-of-the art digitization equiptmen and on-site training from expert staff. It also accepts collaboration from institutions.

 The library (dLOC) has been funded thanks to a generous grant from the United States of Education’s Technological Innovation and Cooperation for Foreign Information Acces Program.

The Digital Library of India



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