Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Do social networks make us culturally more stupid?

diciembre 21st, 2011 · No hay Comentarios

Is Internet making us stupid? Are we prepared to move away from thinking? Are social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, blogs… killing the pleasure of reading?

Absorbing and disturbing. Everyone joke about how the internet is making us, and especially our children, accelerated knuckleheads incapable of deep meditation. It’s no joke, insists Carr, and I was convinced.  (John Horgan, ‘Wall Street Journal’)

A crack in the literature goes, or at least references to the literature, a sign that the writing is not dead, and through social networks like Facebook is still alive. The exchange of views, suggestions for new authors, invitations poetry readings, book presentations, reviews, reviews, links to blogs… Literature does not live outside Facebook, as the writers have not wanted to give back to this new tool as a platformpromotion, but also as a way to learn about the latest trends and keep in touch with other writers. This is what is of social network, even through a screen.

Con siete palabras hizo Monterroso un cuento inolvidable, y muchos aforismos célebres tienen menos de 140 caracteres. Es un buen vehículo para transmitir contenidos breves, literarios o no (Vicente Luis Mora, 2010)

– I am not aware of this change!
– And why the rest is?
– I don’t know! You should have sent an email, no communication from you.

Such a situation occurred and is usually given in our society. As was said among some ancient philosophers to the books that make us more stupid, now it seems thatthe internet and the media lead us to be more stupid. This leads me to wonder if the Internet is an information really as good as it looks.

Every time we go on the Internet How many different social networking sites visited?For my part, more and more … forums, blogs, facebooks, emails … is a time of our lives that we lose completely in order to feel a bit more social. Instead of paying attention to relevant information at our meetings or dialogues real, we think it will tell us for some social networks. Man loses its essence, relations between the people give a non-physical, which can lead to deception … there are many girls forced to strip in front of perverse minds with the use of this tool, your bank accounts are not entirely safe, but we use it without fear.

Internet has been and is good in many respects, for example in the riots in the Arab countries, but at the same time gives the feeling that the easier it makes our lives,the more we lose our essence, our critical thinking and listening others speak… we are learning to express our special feelings in front of a screen, but then we are incapable of saying anything.


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Filed under: Web Communication Tagged: history, Prehistory, Subjects, University


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