Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Even Zohar: Literatura eta Itzulpenak

marzo 20th, 2012 · No hay Comentarios

Artikulu hau Itamar Even Zoharrek 1990ean idatzitakoa da eta bertan bere lan nagusienean, polisistemen teorian oinarrituz, itzulpengintzak duen garrantziari buruz dihardu. Itamar Even Zohar, filosofo, Hebraiar filologo eta Literatu Konparatuko aditu israeldar garrantzitsuenetariko bat izateaz gain, Ikasketa Kulturaletako ikertzailerik esanguratsuenetariko bat da zalantzarik gabe. Ikertzaile israeldar hau batez ere identitate nazionalen eraketetan kulturak duen jarrera zein handia eta eraginkorra izan daitekeen azaltzen saiatzen da.Artikulura bueltatuz bada, bertan Zoharrek itzulita dauden obra literarioek zer nolako garrantzia izan dezaketen galdetzen du eta hauek itzuliak direnean, itzulita diren hizkuntzara moldatu eta gero ea formatu edota esanahia bera jarraitzen mantentzen duten aztertzen du:

The prevailing concept is rather that of “translation” or just “translated works” treated on an individual basis. Is there any basis for a different assumption, that is for considering translated literature as a system? Is there the same sort of cultural and verbal network of relations within what seems to be an arbitrary group of translated texts as the one we willingly hypothesize for original literature? What kind of relations might there be among translated works, which are presented as completed facts, imported from other literatures, detached from their home contexts and consequently neutralized from the point of view of center-and-periphery struggles?

Honek bi modu desberdinetan sailkatzen ditu itzulpen hauek, betiere ontzat hartzen dituenean, edota itzulpen hauek bi modutakoak izan daitezkeela dio: a)Itzulpenak ondo egon daitezke literaturaren aldetik eta literaturak berak dituen definizioetakoren bat betetzen bada esanahiaren ikuspegitik begiratzen bada edota b)moldatu edota itzuli den hizkuntzako formato , jarrera eta politikak (literaturari dagozkionak) modu zuzenean erabiliak badaude. Horrela , eta hauek biak betez gero, itzulitako literaturak errepertorio propioa izan dezakeela azpimarratzen du, hain propioa eta ondo itzulia izanez gero itzulpena purutzat ere har daitekeela esaten bukatuz:

These are not confined to the linguistic level only, but are manifest on any selec- tion level as well. Thus, translated literature may possess a repertoire of its own, which to a certain extent could even be exclusive to it. It seems that these points make it not only justifiable to talk about translated literature, but rather imperative to do so. I cannot see how any scholarly effort to describe and explain the behavior of the literary polysystem in synchrony and diachrony can advance in an adequate way if that is not recognized. In other words, I conceive of translated literature not only as an integral system within any literary polysystem, but as a most active system within it.


Filed under: Languages


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