Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence

mayo 30th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI) is one of the world’s largest research centres of innovative software technology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. DFKI was founded in 1988. The directors are Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster and Dr. Walter G. Olthoff.

Their mission as we can read in the home page of the research centre “is the improvement of language technology through novel computational techniques for processing text, speech and knowledge, a deeper understanding of human language and thought, studying the true needs of the end user and the demands of the market”. They develop three areas: information and knowledge management, document production and natural communication

This place conducts contract research in virtually modern AI, including image and pattern recognition, knowledge management or intelligent visualization and simulation and so much more fields.The centre led a national project with the aim to translate spontaneous speech bidirectionally for German/English and German/Japanese. Currently, there are more than 90 ongoing projects at the research center. Some companies like Microsoft, BMW or SAP figures in the centre.


* German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence. (2009, June 4). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 21:19, May 29, 2009, from

* German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence. (2009). Retrieved 12:55, March 16, 2009, from


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