Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


febrero 8th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

HTML, or HyperText Markup Language is the main language used to create internet web pages. It´s used to describen the structure and content of the page in text way, and also to add images to those texts or web pages. HTML is written in tag way surrounded by other signs like(), it can also describe the apearance of a document and can add scripts to it.

HTML markups:

Elements: Elements are made of attributes and contents.they have to follow some sort of rules so the HTML can be valid. Usually,these elements start with a tag.
– Structure:it shows the purpouse of the text.
– Presentation:describes the function of the text.
– Hypertext: it´s the part taht links some texts with others.

Attributes: hese are the ones that that are separates by”=”, written with the start tag after the element´s name. Those values are enclosed in quotes.

Elements take similar attributes:
– The “id” is the attribute that probides a unique identifier to the element.
– The “class” attribute is the one that helps putting in groups similar elements to be presented.
– The “Styles” are non-attributal codes that help the authors with the presentational properties of the elements.
– The “title” is the attribute that helps adding subcontextual explanations to the texts.

Internet sources:

-HTML. (2009, February 6). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:04, February 7, 2009, from <a href=”“>
-Lenguaje HTML. (2002, 14 de marzo). Desarrollo web. Fecha de consulta:16:43, 7 febrero, 2009, from <a href=”“>”>


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