Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


febrero 6th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Mainly, when we talk about hypertext we talk about a text that lead us to another text which is linked to the first one. We are transported from one page to another by hyperlinks. Not only do these links show us another text but they can also show us a video, song, web page…related with the subject.

Hypertext has renewed the way the user has to read an article, has improved  the way of getting information and has finished with the limitations of written text. Nowadays, with hypertext we do not have to read the whole article, we just read what its useful for us and click on an hyperlink to continue reading about what we are interested. The user read the information in a non-lineal way and each user can read the information in the way he want. For example, while I am writing this article, I am searching the data which is going to help me surfing from web to web but maybe another person may do it in a different order.


 This is the way we read with hypertext.All the web is connected.

There are two men extremely connected with hypertext who are  Ted Nelson and Vannevar Bush.Vannevar Bush wrote an article that established the basis of the hypertext in his article”As We May Think” and Ted Nelson coined the terms hypertext and hypermedia.

Finally, People has to do an effort and try to get used to hypertext. It is not like written text, you have to be more attentive to ideas in order to be able to catch the specific information you want.



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