¿Have you ever heard about The Good, the Bad and the Ugly? ¿And Once Upon a Time in the West? The genre these films belong to is the spaghetti western, born in the sixties and which revolutionized the way of making films. The spaghetti western was born in Europe, more precisely in Italy and Spain. […]
Leone´s the Dollar’s Trilogy
20 de diciembre, 2012 | juandeusto
Social Networks
16 de diciembre, 2012 | paulagutierrez26
HOW DID SOCIAL NETWORKS START? Between 2001 and 2002, the first social network appeared, but it was in 2003 when Facebook was created. Quickly, some companies entered the social networks to motivate their workers. All started in Harvard University when a boy named Mark Zuckerberg, had the idea to create a site where students […]
14 de diciembre, 2012 | isamartin2012
Tennis is a sport which was first played in Birmingham, England, around 1859. As many other english sports, it requires a lot of practice in order to acquire a good technique, and it is quite difficult to learn to play it. Every player uses a racket to strike a rubber ball covered with felt, that […]
14 de diciembre, 2012 | isamartin2012
Tennis is a sport which was first played in Birmingham, England, around 1859. As many other english sports, it requires a lot of practice in order to acquire a good technique, and it is quite difficult to learn to play it. Every player uses a racket to strike a rubber ball covered with felt, that […]
Eraztunen Jauna
14 de diciembre, 2012 | ikerallende1
Post honetan, “Eraztunen Jauna” trilogia azalduko dut. 10 urte inguru izan arren eta nahiz eta “The Hobbit” pelikula atarian daukagun, ezin ditugu film hauek ahaztu. Aipatutako Peter Jacksonen pelikula berriak aurreko sagaren pasioa berriro ere piztu du, eta horregatik post hau eskaini nahi nizueke. Eraztunen Jauna trilogia zinemaratu egin den saga bat da. Hiru filmez […]
Modern cycling
14 de diciembre, 2012 | aitorerdoiza
Cycling has changed very much during the last years. It is not what it was in the past. As everything these days, it is more technologized, more controlled, and it has lost spontaneity, it has lost what in the past made this sport become epic. But what do I mean when I say that it […]
www.otto.de a social trading company?
14 de diciembre, 2012 | mariacascajares
The otto group is an big enterprise based in germany and holds several sub companies. The most popular among them is Otto.de. A popular website for online-shopping. In July 2010 the web-shop got 5,6 million visitors. That is more than 160.000 visitors a day. This makes this website a good place to communicate social projects the company is related in. But how does […]
14 de diciembre, 2012 | reginamarin
The aim of this work is to summarize the history of skiing and at the same time, to highlight the main characteristics of this sport in our country. Thus, firstly, we will talk about the general history of skiing, and then, we will focus on our country and its resorts. It is clear that skiing […]
Pencak Silat
14 de diciembre, 2012 | andonino
0- Sarrera Borroka-arte bat da eta Indonesian sortu zen. Gaur egun leku askotan praktikatzen da hala nola: Indonesia, Singapur, Malasia, Tailandia, Vietnam, Brunei eta baita Ameriketako eta Europako herrialde askotan ere. Izen horren esanahia hurrengoa da: Pencak “eraso eraginkorra” esan nahi du eta bigarrenak Silat “mugimendu artistikoa”. Ez da oso ezaguna jendearentzat baina kirolaren alorrean […]
The right to education
14 de diciembre, 2012 | itziarcanton
The right to education it is very important and everybody should respect it and fight to integrate it in every state and society. Given the opportunity of receiving an education, everybody can learn and grow as a person, get a job and form a family and be part of the society where he/she lives. UNESCO […]
Forum Sport
14 de diciembre, 2012 | xabierbengoechea
Forum Sport, Eroski kooperatibaren barne aurki ditzakegun 44 dendek osatzen dute. 1991.urtean Genar Andrinuak, Marino Lejarretak eta Miguel Indurainek kirola oinarritzat duten biltegi hauek sortzea erabaki zuten. Forum Sport talde bat lez funtzionatzen du. Hau egituran nabari da, non kirolariak izan diren bazkideak aurki daitezke. Aitzindariak dira teknika eta material berriak sartzen kirolen praktikarako, betiere […]
Los tuareg
14 de diciembre, 2012 | pabloortizcuentadeusto
Los Tuareg pertenecen al grupo étnico de los bereberes, este pueblo es trashumante y basa su economía a la ganadería. Tiene la organización social de un linaje segmentario, esto es, son un grupo de personas unidas por distintos linajes. Estos distintos linajes tienen dentro del mismo grupo unas posiciones a novel jerárquico distintas, dependiendo del […]