Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Ondorengo blog honek Gorbeiako Parke Natural magiko eta liluragarriari buruzko informazio zabala eskaintzen du. Paradisu eder honek hainbat ekintza egiteko aukera ematen du eta gure helburua aukera horiek ondo kudeatzea eta jendea erakartzea da parkeari buruzko informazioa emanez. Blog honetan gure estrategia garatzeko erreferentzia nagusia “Gorbeia Central Park” webgune edo blog ezaguna  izan da. Horretaz […]

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14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Aurreko astean lagunekin solasaldian ibili nintzenean eta larunbatean Otxandion egon nintzela esatean , derrigor azalpenen bat eman behar izan nuen. Momentu horretan , jendeak Bizkaiko herriei buruz duen ezagupen eza izan zen burura etorri zitzaidan lehenengo ideia. Hori dela eta, herri honen existentzia zabaltzeaz gain, bertara joatea edo gisa honetako beste herri batzuetara joatea bultzatzea […]

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Day of Defeat

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Day of Defeat jokua internet bidez 2. Mundu Gerran  islatzen da, lehen pertsonan  jokatzen den jokua da. Valvek garatu du jokua, DoD-a  2004 –an estreinatu zen .  Ordenagailuan jokatu beharreko jokua da. Jokalariek zein taldetan jokatuko duten hautatzen dute, hots, Aliatuekin( EEUU eta UK) edo Ejearekin( Alemania).Talde bakoitzak arma propioak eta janzteko era desberdina dauka. […]

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Negative effects of technology

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

The advantages of technology are undeniable, electronic devices make our life much easier as we can save time and money when using them: cars, microwaves, mobile phones… In contrast, there are a lot of disadvantages that we don’t take into account. The recession is not the only cause of unemployment: technology has enabled multinational companies […]

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Privacy nowadays: beyond a personal setting in a social network

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

INTRODUCTION Technology and privacy have changed radically lately. Some years ago and mostly caused by centralist and bureaucratic sates, information was all kept together in databases (Agre and Rotenberg, 1997), where only administrative staff had access to it. This means that information was not spread like nowadays, since boundaries among countries do affect rather seldom […]

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Bioclimatic Architecture

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Today,  we are living a difficult tima for architecture and construction. The Crise is affecting this field harder than others and it is important to know, that in architecture, the quality is much more important than the quantity. Respecting the environment is one of the principal goals that architectura is trying to achieve all along […]

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Un vecino “incomodo” al otro lado del rio

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Tras un verano muy “caliente” y muy movido en los despachos y parques de Nueva York, a uno y otro lado del rio, llego al fin el ansiado primer derbi entre los Knicks y los reinventados Nets. Los Knicks, liderados por un Carmelo espectacular y un J.R. Smith letal desde el banquillo, cruzaron el puente […]

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Kazetaritza kaskarra

14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Edward Saiden “Cubriendo el Islam” liburuaz hitz egitera nator, baita bide beretik jarraituz komunikabideetaz. Saiden liburua eta komunikabideak bat datozelako. Egia da komunikabideak informatu eta gizartea komunikatu ez ezik, nolabait esatearren gizarte eboluzionatu batean bizitzeko laguntza ere ematen digu. Hau da, berriak teknologia berriei esker hegan dabiltza. Baina, notiziek, berriek, informatu ala pertsona baten ikuspuntu […]

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14 de diciembre, 2012 |

Mixology Mixology is the art, skill, science perhaps, of mixing alcoholic drink and turning them into delicious cocktails.  The word is a modern and more sophisticated way of referring to bar tendering. It started thank to the curiosity of people, of experimentation and today remains the same, maybe with some other cool gadgets and Scientifics, […]

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13 de diciembre, 2012 |

My favourite hobby is horse riding, undoubtedly. I have always had a special connection to these animals that I find not only beautiful but astonishing. A horse is the projection of peoples’ dreams about themselves – strong, powerful, beautiful – and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence. Pam Brown The […]

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New Zealand history

13 de diciembre, 2012 |

There are many historical aconteciments in New Zealand which are the most important happenings for the development of the Australian country. 1893: Universal suffrage is introduced for women aged over 21 (including Māori). New Zealand becomes the first self-governing country to grant the right to vote to all adult women. SUFFRAGE AND BEYOND On 19 […]

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The Wild Bunch

13 de diciembre, 2012 |

The Wild Bunch is considered one of the best Westerns of all time, with a cast of an unquestionable strength. This unforgettable adventure of big general shots and fast action definitely deserves to stay in any films compendium. It stars William Holden, Ernest Borgnine, Robert Ryan, Edmond O’Brien, Warren Oates, Ben Johnson and Jaime Sánchez. […]

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