Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

USSR vs USA: competition for supremacy in space exploration

28 de febrero, 2012 |

During the Cold War John F. Kennedy said “We choose to go to the moon in this decade, not because it is easy, but because it is hard. The competition between the two superpowers was already boiling, the supremacy and reputation were at stake. Arriving to the moon was the hugest challenge that technology had […]

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Nora Roberts official website as a reference

28 de febrero, 2012 |

The reference I have chosen for doing our Wikipedia article about Nora Roberts is her Official Page ( ) which is absolutely useful and totally reliable because is Nora Roberts herself who writes about her life, her books and so on. In the webpage we can find a section called About Nora where links are provided for […]

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Snodgrass’ book as a reference for our Wikipedia article

27 de febrero, 2012 |

Between all the references in Google Books linked to the writer Nora Roberts we can find a book written by Mary Ellen Snodgrass that is absolutely useful for our Wikipedia article since it analyses Nora Roberts’ style and the symbolism of her writing.  Snodgrass provides a plot of summaries of Nora Roberts’ work and tells us about […]

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Footprints in the sand 2012-02-01 17:22:56

1 de febrero, 2012 |

      How Languages are learned? Everyday, people wonder at the easiness and speed with which children acquire their first language. These facility and rapidity usually contrast with the long way adults need to cover when they are learning … S…

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Las ‘cajitas” de Rosa Montero en Te tratare como a una reina un estudio sobre su estructura narrativa.

30 de enero, 2012 |

‘Empecé a moverme por terrenos de mi misma que no conocía. Me había hecho, que nunca lo había hecho antes con una novela, una escaleta con los capítulos y todo, creo que tenía 16 capítulos, algo así, y cuando termine la novela no tenía nada …

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Mi nueva ‘wishlist’ con productos Fnac

30 de diciembre, 2011 |

Gracias a la Fnac, estas Navidades todos los blogueros podemos ganar un premio de hasta 2012 €. ¿Cómo? Pues es tan fácil como publicar en nuestros blogs nuestra lista de deseos (wishlist) con productos Fnac hasta un importe máximo de 2012 € y tener un poquito de suerte. Así que, without further ado, aquí va […]

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Merry Christmas!

24 de diciembre, 2011 |

Joyeux Noël! God Jul! Buon Natale! En definitiva, ¡feliz Navidad a todos! =)

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Do social networks make us culturally more stupid?

21 de diciembre, 2011 |

Is Internet making us stupid? Are we prepared to move away from thinking? Are social networks, Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, blogs… killing the pleasure of reading? Absorbing and disturbing. Everyone joke about how the internet is making us, and especially our children, accelerated knuckleheads incapable of deep meditation. It’s no joke, insists Carr, and I was convinced.  (John Horgan, ‘Wall Street Journal’) A crack in the literature goes, or at least references to the literature, a sign that the writing is not dead, and through social networks like Facebook is still alive. The exchange […]

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The truth is out there on the net

21 de diciembre, 2011 |

Social networks are supposed to be the center of liars and impunity. After a research made by Jeffrey Hancock,and some analisis of Clive Thompson, it’s possible to say that the Internet has become more trustful and honest due to the fear to be exposure to be caught. The truth is out there on the net. […]

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Pascual Serrano: komunikabideek informatu?

21 de diciembre, 2011 |

Pascual Serranok (politika internazional eta komunikabideetan espezializatua den kazetaria) azterketa sakon bat egin du komunikabideen inguruan 2009 urtean argitaratutako Desinformación liburuan. Komunikabideetako berriemaileek interesatzen zaizkien berriak zoilik argitaratzen dituztela, eta informatu beharrean, desinformatu egiten gaituztela azaltzen du. Azken hau forgatzeko aditu honek datu garrantzitsuenen aipamenak egiten ditu bere liburuan hainbat adibideren bitartez. Hala izanik, esaten du norbanakook inkontzienteki bereganatzen ditugula mass mediek zabaltzen […]

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Witchcraft in History

20 de diciembre, 2011 |

Witchcraft is a very common characteristic of almost every culture and society in the whole world. Many cultures have stories about witches, supernatural creatures and demons; all of them related to mythology. And Europe is not an exception. Every region and country has seen this topic in different ways, but all of them have lots […]

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La Oreja de Van Vogh en la Web

20 de diciembre, 2011 |

Pabo Benegas, guitarrista del mítico grupo donostiarra La Oreja de Van Gogh en una entrevista realizada por David Gil en Terra , a la pregunta de cómo había influído el auge de las redes sociales en su carrera declaraba: De verdad que para nosotros es algo muy interesante. Para empezar nos permitió mantener una relación directa […]

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