Nowadays one of the most pressing matters is the debt crisis. The relevance of this post is what led me to choose it. The aim of this post is to provide an insight to the global economic crisis. In order to do … Continue reading →
This way our economic system sank
15 de enero, 2014 | Paula Alonso
Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia
15 de enero, 2014 | Leixu Llaguno
Bertsolaritza abestuz, errimatuz eta neurtuz egiten den berbaldi bat da. Ahozko euskal literaturaren adarretako bat da. Bertsolari Txapelketa Nagusia Euskal Herriko osoko bertsolarien artean egiten den txapelketa da. Idoia Alderdi eta Eider Jauregi esan duten bezela “Hendaiara joan da txapel … Continue reading →
Bratislava, a wonderful city
15 de enero, 2014 | Ana García
The next semester, I am going to do an ERASMUS and the place that I have chosen is Bratislava. At first, I wasn’t too optimistic with the place because I think that very few people know things about Bratislava but … Continue reading →
“Lotus feet”
14 de enero, 2014 | Elisa Duque
The bandaged foot (缠足 – chánzú) was a popular practice in some parts of China until the twentieth century. Activists against bounded feet educated practitioners by telling them the perception of the outside world of this trend as a barbarit…
The wildlife of China
14 de enero, 2014 | Ostaizka García Bustindui
Animals in China In China there are at least more than 100 wild animal species unique including such well-known rare animals as the giant panda, golden-haired monkey, Siberian tiger, red-crowned crane and Chinese alligator. It is to say that some ̷…
William Shakespeare, as extraordinary and as usual as any other human being
14 de enero, 2014 | Maru Alava Carrascal
United For Shakespeare has formerly discussed the issue of the Bard’s authorship and we have always decided not to make any final assertion. Any coherent academic has never dared to do so and nor are we –students- going to kick over the traces. Now we want to demonstrate that Shakespeare’s authorship’s truthfulness is at least […]
Giving your business a boost in 2014
13 de enero, 2014 | Arianne Ramos
Andrew Wang claims that “Internet marketing is what you need to start increasing your sales figures”. If you are just starting you have to plan carefully your campaing. As he says, “after all, when it comes to marketing on the … Continue reading →
In memory of “The man who loved the girls”
13 de enero, 2014 | Andrea Sagardui
Thanks to an article written in the ABC webpage, in which Servando Rocha is interviewed, I came up with something that personally …
Fashion outfits for work
9 de enero, 2014 | Itziar Urcelay
Do you still think that fashion is only appliable for parties and social events?… I have to tell you that you are wrong, you can be fashion and stylish to […]
Julius Caesar, by Paco Azorín
8 de enero, 2014 | Jenifer Miguel
As Paco Azorín claims, The Tragedy Julius Casear can be seen from more than one point of view. Paco Azorín is the well-known director of the Julius Caesar theater play which can be seen in Barcelona. In the play, there are represented most of the main elements that Shakespeare insert in this work: conspiracy, crimes, honor, patriotism, love and envy. The director […]
Basque Country, the gastronomic reference at any level.
7 de enero, 2014 | Gentzane Gómez
The Basque Country is a gastronomic reference in the world. This fact is not just a generalization, according to Pilar Zorrilla, in the Basque Country there are about 1500 gastronomic clubs and more than 350 gastronomic events and parties which … Continue reading →
Knot it low and take it easy
7 de enero, 2014 | Irati Puerta
Don’t all people love easy stuff? Well, may be not, but I do it at least. Let’s make our live easier and relax! I am obviously writing about hair, once […]