Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


mayo 5th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

This system, sometimes named as MT, is part of the very known computational linguistics field. It is based in the investigation of computer softwares, capable of translating texts, speeches… done by natural language porcessing. The technique of this system is effective with formal language.

The history of Machine Translation starts in the early 50s with an experiment called Georgetown Experiment which consisted on translating some sentences in Russian into English. Years after, this system had its development.

This is the process of the MT:

  1. Decoding the meaning of the text yo want to translate.
  2. Re-encoding this meaning into the aimed language.

However, it has not the same quality as the direct human translation has, although it is very effective. Lots of machine translation engines has been put into the Net for the need and accesibility of people.

MT follows three really easy steps:

  • Choose the language you want to translate from.
  • Choose the language you want to translate your text into.
  • Select the text you want to translate.

There are some machine translators on the Internet:



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