Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Questionnaire #1: Yorik Wilks. Short biography.

marzo 7th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Yorick Wilks was borned in 1939, he was educated at Pembroke College, Cambridge and was an early pioneer in meaning-based approaches to the understanding of natural language content by computers. Since the early 70s he has worked in several research projects all over in convination with being proffesor the world: California, Switzerland, Edinburg, Essex, Sheffield, and finally Oxford.  His interests are artificial intelligence and the computer processing of language, knowledge and belief, and his recent books shows a development of those researches such as: Digital Technologies Shaping e-Research, The Semantic Web and the Apotheosis of annotation. In Proceedings of IEEE Information Systems.and Cross Domain Dialogue Act Tagging. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language, Resources and Evaluation… His work has been so congratulated that we can find the following awards in his career since its early beginning:

  • 2008 Zampolli Prize (ELDA, awarded at LREC-08 in Marrakech, Morocco)
  • 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award (ACL, awarded at ACL-08 in Columbus, OH)
  • 2006 Visiting Professor, University of Oxford (2006-)
  • 2004 Elected to UK Computing Research Council
  • 2004 Elected fellow, British Computer Society
  • 2003 Visiting Fellow, Oxford Internet Institute
  • 1998 Elected Fellow of European Association for Artificial Intelligence
  • 1997 Elected Fellow, EPSRC College of Computing
  • 1991 Visiting Fellow, Trinity Hall, Cambridge.
  • 1991 Elected Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence
  • 1983 Royal Society Travel Fellowship
  • 1983 Commonwealth of Australia Visiting Professor
  • 1981 Visiting Sloan Fellow, University of California, Berkeley
  • 1980 Invited Participant in the Nobel Symposium on Language, Stockholm
  • 1979 NATO Senior Scientist Fellowship
  • 1979 Visiting Sloan Fellow, Yale University
  • 1975 SRC Senior Visiting Fellowship, University of Edinburgh

Yorick Wilks

Yorick Wilks



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