Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities


julio 1st, 2010 · No hay Comentarios

Style sheets are a way to separate the content of the presentation of a document for web designes, in other words, they help organize what the document is talking about and how we want to present it to the readers or the audience on the Internet.For the creation of one of this web pages, we first write the content using a mark up language(usually HTML) that gives the infromation of the content without really showing how the text will finally look. To finally create our web text style we need an specific language used for style sheets, CSS or XSL for example.

Cascading Style Sheets better known as CSS is a type of language used to present documents listed in HTML or XML( and so forth XHTML). The idea, created by World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is to separate the document´s structure on one side and its presentation on the other.
Before this existed, authors or users could only base everything related to the writing style of the text to the HTML markup, now with the help of this new system, that HTML mark up is less used which derivates in a simpler HTML sheet, because all those extra details go separated in an extra list in an extra sheet, simplisying everything.
We can say that the idea of creating the CSS is noble since we avoid making files too heavy and define the style of this without having to tag each web page one by one. We also get a clearer way of working with files by separating the structure from the presentation.
Since it is a style shit, or a list of rules( ordinarily explained), our list is going to be using a simple syntax, always writen in English.
Each rule has a selector, which explines what style applies to what mark up language, and a declaration-block, which is a list usually in braces(><). This lists always content: a property(:)a value(;)

XSL which is a shortcut for Extensible Stylesheet Language used in the computer science field. This point must be clear since that abbreviation can also stand for Extreme Soccer League, among others, which is far from the field we are trying to discuss here now. It is a language group or family that describes how the information kept in an XML format must be transformed for its presentation. This farmily is composed by 3 languages:
-XSLT ( Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations), helps comvert an XML document from one syntaxt to another.Nowadays, well known Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Mozzila, or Safari use it to transform XML documents in HTLM documents.
-XSL-FO (Object´s format sheet language), helps specify the visual format that will be used to present the XML document.
-XPath, or XML Path Language, which is a XML non-based syntax to access or refer to an XML document.XQuiery is another W3C that uses Xpath to examin XML documents.
As a tip, XSL is used in a lot of Microsoft products. With a group of people from Microsoft working on it, XSL started being formed in 1997, the basic first idea, or draft was released in 1998 but it hasn´t being until 2001 that XSL has been officially gotten the reccomendation status.
Microsoft, after updating their idea from MSXML 1.0 to MSXML 3.0,has beeing able to impliment it in various of its products such as Microsoft library or Internet Explorer among others.

CiteULike is a social network that was created in 2004 by Richard Cameron at the University of Manchester, UK.The goal is to expand knowledge though the collaboration of several users. This network helps exchange references instead of links or favourites that are shown as own but visible for others. While doing this activity of adding different references groups of the same kind of interest can be founded.
It uses a system that catalogues books or documents helping each user create their own CiteULike page to crate their own list of interest´s references. Referencer are held by bookmarks that are settled in the net and extract all the bibliographic archives that show up in web pages, magazines,etc.
Basically, any user creates an account where adds a reference of the field he or she has chosen, this fields don´t have to be specifically about science or technology, they could also be art, or any other thing we can think of!! In our case we have chosen Digital Edition documents, or articles realted to this field, from digital libraries, to what the real definition of Digital Edition is.This references include the title of the document, who the author is, the date when it was released or updated among other details. This references can be put in groups by the user of the account using tags. Using the same tag those articles or documents will be ordered in groups as if the tag was the title of a list, which will help the user better to identify the document´s field, what they are about or where they are located.

CSS Wikipedia la enciclopedia libre. Retrieved July 1st, 2010 from

CSS maestros de web. Retrieved July 1st, 2010 from

CSS,W3C(oficina española)Retrieved July 1st, 2010 from

XSL wikipedia la enciclopedia libre Retrieved July1st, 2010 from

XSL, Retrieved July, 2010 from

CiteULike, homepage from

¿Que es CiteULike?Wordpress. Retrieved July,2010 from

CiteULike, wikipedia the free encyclopedia. Retrieved July, 2010 from


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