Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

“TeX”, “Scribe” & “GML” (A4)

noviembre 8th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

TeX is a typesetting system, designed and written by Donal Knuth, which once connected with the METAFONT language had two goals; on the one hand, to allow anybody to produce high-quality books and, on the other, to create a system that gae the exact same results on all computers, nowadays and in the future. 

Scribe is at the same time a mark up language and a word processing system, that completely revolutionised the use of descriptive markup when it was created by Brian Reid as part of his doctoral dissertation in the 1980s. It was later sold to the company Unilogic. 

The Generalized Markup Language, commonly known as GML, makes the description of a document easier if we talk about its format, organization structure or contents parts and their relationship. Due to the system of specifying heading levels, this programme classifies the parts of the documents in terms of importance. Just by selecting a profile, documents can be formated for different devices which go from screens to either, laser or line printers. 




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