Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The British Library and The Darlington Digital Library.

octubre 12th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Both, the British Library and the Darlington Digital Library have available some of their books online. In this post I am going to write a brief review explaining their structure and design, the contect (genre and format)  and who are the people in charge of them.

Digital Library

Digital Library logo

The British Library is sitted at 96 Euston Rd, London. Nevertheless we can have access to eight collections without moving from our home. The collections available are: Henry VIII, Taking liberties, Sacred, turn the pages, historical text, Magna Carta, Maps and views and Black Europeans . Appart form them we can find another two possibilities: enjoying online exhibitions and taking some highlight tour. The pages of the books are shown as a picture with no possibility of highlihting anything, however it is important to point out the quality of the photos.

The Darlington Digital Library defines itself as:

The Darlington Digital Library was created from the first major collection of books, manuscripts, atlases, and maps donated to the University of Pittsburgh. Most of the credit for assembling the Darlington Collection rightly goes to William M. Darlington, an attorney by profession who was born in Pittsburgh in 1815.

In it we can find atlases, books, broadsides, images, manuscripts and maps. before entering one of each parts we are offered a brief exposition of what are we going to find. Once you have decided which book you want to retrieve yo are offeered a brief description of it and a list of the pages available. As well as with the British Library, just photos are offered but in high quallity.



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