Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

The Origins of The Hypertext

noviembre 6th, 2008 · No hay Comentarios

The hypertext is a kind of text that never ends. In computer applications the hypertext is the text where you can jump from one window to another one just by clicking on the links. There´s another type of hypertext which is called strechtext.This kind has two indicators and a screen. While the first indocator can be moved from top to bottom, the second one can change the size by changing the ranks. A hypertext consists of nodes(where the information for the user is), links(this ones are the conections between nodes), and laces(this ones are the spots between links).

Ted Nelson got famous for being the person who created the term for hypertext ad hypermedia. After that, another suggestions were made related to the digital document. He wrote the article No more teachers’ dirty looks where he explained that there had to be a system to put texts, sounds, and images together for the readers. Before that, Vannevar Bush, in 1945, talked about a pretty similar system called memex. He talked about this system in an article called As We May Think. Here, he said that there´s a big need of some sort of machines that could collect and connect scientifics´ works and investigations during the World War II. After him, Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart, in 1960, developed a cumputer system where they could start working with the hypertext and the hypermedia together. In 1967, Adries Van Dam created the Hypertext Editing System (HES). This was the first real hypertext system. years later, in the 80´s, some computer corporations like Machintosh started creating new applications like the intermedia and the hypercard, on the other hand IBM created a guide system for its computers. The hypertext continues growing and evolving with Jacob Nielsen in 1990 or Tim Berners-Lee who taking the hypertext´s structure created what we know as the World Wide Web

Internet Sources

Historia del hipertexto:



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