Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Web 1.0 and Web 2.0

enero 7th, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

The Web 1.0 refers to the World Wide Web (Web), and everything that has existed before the arrival of the Web 2.0. The Web 1.0 consist of a one-way flow of information: the information is shown on the internet just to be read. While the validity of the web 1.0 is still on, internet connections were very slow and clumsy. The web 2.0 comes to scene in 2001, and consists of a changeable World Wide Web technology that enhances creativity, communications, secure information sharing, collaboration and functionality of the web.

The term web 2.0 first appeared thanks to Tim O’Reilly, that says that ‘Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as a platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform.’ However, Tim Berners Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web rejects in a way the term Web 2.0, because he affirms that many of its components did exist before its arrival, when the World Wide Web was born.

The main difference between the Web 1.0 and the Web 2.0 is the comunication. As we’ve said before, the Web 1.0 offers an only-way comunication, which means that information can be showed, but not answered. The advance that the Web 2.0 offers is the posibility of giving reponses to the information given, creating, this way, comunication. Some other differences between this two types of web are: web 2.0 is about blogs, which means self-expression, while the web 1.0 is about homepages. Something also very important is the people who use this types of web: the web 1.0 was used by professionals and the 2.0 is now used by all kind of people, amateurs, begginers…etc.

The Web 2.0 has let people get to know the other users of the web by creating profiles, friend groups, and so, and not just noticing about what’s happening around the world (involves a strong social component), which is the main target of the Web 1.0. To diferenciate between 2.0 and 1.0 sites is not always easy, because they’re always dynamic, and mix components from the two parts. However, we can give some clear examples, such as Facebook (web 2.0) or Craiglist (web 1.0).

Apart from the two types of web we’ve mentioned, another term is being mentioned a lot nowadays: The Web 3.0. It doesn’t really exists by now, but it’s said that it will. Some of the characteristics of the new web woul be: the transformation of the web to a more seamless and interoperable whole, ubiquituous connectivity, network computing, open technologies, open identity, intelligent web, distributed databases and intelligent applications.




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