Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Web = Internet+Hypertext

octubre 28th, 2008 · No hay Comentarios


The hypertext is different from the order traditional and static text. By this new one,  is possible to make a dynamic organization of information, using links and connections (hyperlinks). On the other hand, in the internet we can find many information resources and services like inter-linked hypertext documents and other resources of the World Wide Web.

The noun of  The Web (World Wide Web) is used to mention a system composed by different hypertext documents where you can acces by Internet. Using a Web browser  it is possible to view Web pages that contain differents types of multimedia. You can  navigate between those pages with  hyperlinks.

The Web invented in 1980s by Berners-Lee. After that, in 1992, borned Lynx (an early Internet browser).  The  creation of the web on the Internet began becouse of  the ability of Lynx to provide hypertext links within documents that could reach into other documents on the Internet.

As Tim O’Reily sais,  the Web 2.0 is the concept that we are moving on to a new level of the Internet and what it mean to people. The way people utilize techology and also the way they do business are the essence of  Web 2.0  He also said that the marvelous thing of Web 2.0 is that it gives big advantages for innovative marketers in law firms and some other proffesional service businesses.

The inventor of the World Wide Web sais that  the fact of being we all connected, the fact that we have got this information, changes the way of living and working. He also sais that those Changes happen for good and for bad. But he thinks that in general, bad things come becouse of  misundersanting. And he also mentions that if  communication is  the way to resolve those misunderstandings and if the Web is one type of communication, it generally should be good. But appart from all that he sais that people have to watch if we preserve the world’s stability.

So, in conclusion as Tim Berners-Lee sais we have to think: are we  thinking about what we are doing as we are going on, and are we keeping our society’s  really important values?




Web = Internet+Hypertext

octubre 28th, 2008 · No hay Comentarios


The hypertext is different from the order traditional and static text. By this new one,  is possible to make a dynamic organization of information, using links and connections (hyperlinks). On the other hand, in the internet we can find many information resources and services like inter-linked hypertext documents and other resources of the World Wide Web.

The noun of  The Web (World Wide Web) is used to mention a system composed by different hypertext documents where you can acces by Internet. Using a Web browser  it is possible to view Web pages that contain differents types of multimedia. You can  navigate between those pages with  hyperlinks.

The Web invented in 1980s by Berners-Lee. After that, in 1992, borned Lynx (an early Internet browser).  The  creation of the web on the Internet began becouse of  the ability of Lynx to provide hypertext links within documents that could reach into other documents on the Internet.

As Tim O’Reily sais,  the Web 2.0 is the concept that we are moving on to a new level of the Internet and what it mean to people. The way people utilize techology and also the way they do business are the essence of  Web 2.0  He also said that the marvelous thing of Web 2.0 is that it gives big advantages for innovative marketers in law firms and some other proffesional service businesses.

The inventor of the World Wide Web sais that  the fact of being we all connected, the fact that we have got this information, changes the way of living and working. He also sais that those Changes happen for good and for bad. But he thinks that in general, bad things come becouse of  misundersanting. And he also mentions that if  communication is  the way to resolve those misunderstandings and if the Web is one type of communication, it generally should be good. But appart from all that he sais that people have to watch if we preserve the world’s stability.

So, in conclusion as Tim Berners-Lee sais we have to think: are we  thinking about what we are doing as we are going on, and are we keeping our society’s  really important values?




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