Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Yorick Wilks(Q.1)

abril 22nd, 2009 · No hay Comentarios

Yorick Wilks is a Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Sheffield, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Internet Institu. He was bornc in 1939 in the United Kingdom.

He’s most important works that have been published are:

  • Ballim, A., Wilks, Y. (1991) Artificial Believers: The Ascription of Belief. Lawrence Erlbaum Press.
  • Wilks, Y., Fass, D. (1992) Preference Semantics: a family history. In Computing and Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 23, No. 2. A shorter version in the second edition of the Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, (ed.) S. Shapiro. pp.1183-1194.
  • Wilks, Y. (1973) Preference Semantics. In E. Keenan, (ed.) The Formal Semantics of Natural Language. Cambridge: Cambridge U. P.
  • Wilks, Y. (1967) Semantic Consistency in Text. Systems Development Corporation, Santa Monica, CA. Technical Memorandum SP-2238.
  • Wilks, Y. (1973) The Stanford Machine Translation and Understanding Project. In R. Rustin (ed.) Natural Language Processing, Algorithmics Press, New York. [and see [3] below].
  • Sources:


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