Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Referencias a los congresos

marzo 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Referencias a los congresos

Este artículo que voy a escribir a continuación es parte del anterior, escrito bajo el título de “Razones para estudiar TLH”. En el caso de este segundo artículo, el tema a tratar, como el propio título aclara, es el de hacer breve referencia a ciertos congresos citados en el “Questionario 2“:
Association for Computational Linguistics 2007 […]

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Razones para estudiar TLH

marzo 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Razones para estudiar TLH

Este segundo cuestionario que tenemos que responder en forma de artículo nos “exige” escribir cinco razones por las cuales merece la pena estudiar “Tecnologías para el Lenguaje Humano”.
La primera razón o motivación que puede llegar a empujarnos a interesarnos por este tema, nos la presenta el mismo profesor, J.Abaitua. Se trata concretamente de la posibilidad […]

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marzo 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES ABOUT HLT

As we can read in the Abaitua’s proposals, there are three importan international conferences about Computational Linguistics:

Association for Computational Linguistics 2007.
Human Language Technologies: The Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2007
XXIII Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural.

The first takes place in […]

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Why study HLT? (Q2)

marzo 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Why study HLT? (Q2)

“The capabilities of human language technology (HLT) have grown substantially in recent years, both in the research laboratory and in the commercial marketplace. There is now a wide range of applications for HLT systems such as automatic transcription of meetings, translation between languages (e.g. Arabic and English), automatic answering of questions, text mining (e.g. from […]

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Why study Human Language Technologies(HLT)?

marzo 28th, 2007 · Comments Off on Why study Human Language Technologies(HLT)?

The capabilities of human language technology (HLT) have grown substantially in recent years, both in the research laboratory and in the commercial marketplace. There is now a wide range of applications for HLT systems (automatic transcription of meetings, translation between languages, automatic answering of questions, text mining and access to information through spoken human-computer dialogue).
Systems […]

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