Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Chased by (virtual) strangers

diciembre 7th, 2011 · Comments Off on Chased by (virtual) strangers

Humans have been paranoic about being chased by a stranger for a while. But it got worse since the internet was invented (you don’t even have to be “physically” chased!). And what is even worse, nowadays, there is no need to be involved in any kind of secret organization or to belong to the upper […]

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Collective intelligence and shared memory in internet may help improving intercultural relations

diciembre 7th, 2011 · Comments Off on Collective intelligence and shared memory in internet may help improving intercultural relations

The concept of collective intelligence emerged in the late 1990 from the work of theorist as Pierre Lévy, Douglas Hofstadter, Peter Russell, Tom Atlee, Howard Bloom and others. This idea comes from the cooperation of individuals from one species. This kind of intelligence refers to sociology, business and computer science.  Collective intelligence and memory are terms that in many cases are related to […]

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Amin Maalouf identitatea bakarraren kontra

diciembre 7th, 2011 · Comments Off on Amin Maalouf identitatea bakarraren kontra

Amin Maaloufek zorrozki kritikatzen du gaur egun pertsonei euren burua identitate bakar batez definitzera bultzatzen zaienean; erlijio, etnia, edota hizkuntza bakar batekin erlazionatu eta besteen aurrean erakustera eta defendatzera “derrigortzen” zaienean. Zer sentitzen zara gehiago, frantsesa edo libanoarra? galderari honela erantzun du: “Durante mucho tiempo esa pregunta me hacía sonreír. Ya no, pues me parece que […]

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Virtual diagnosis of Nacho Vigalondo

diciembre 7th, 2011 · Comments Off on Virtual diagnosis of Nacho Vigalondo

In a recent interview, Nacho Vigalondo was asked about his ability to promote himself and to move through the Internet. He answered with tranquility: “Internet es un medio inevitable, más que una opción que hayamos cogido los realizadores de mi generación” [1]. He shows, indeed, great dexterity in his managering of his virtual identity; an […]

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