Saiatu al zara inoiz Wikipedian artikuluren bat idazten? Nola egiten den ere ez dakizu? Artikulu honek horren berri emango dizu, Parisko Jean Baudrillard filosofoari buruzko ingelesezko artikuluaren itzulpena nola egin zen azaltzen duen artean. Wikipedian hainbat lan argitaratu direla esan beharrik ere ez da; tendentzia honi jarraiki, ordea, entziklopedia aske honetan Deustuko Unibertsitateak ere bere […]
Wikipedian idazten
mayo 16th, 2012 · Comments Off on Wikipedian idazten
Jean Baudrillard and Le Système des objets
mayo 3rd, 2012 · Comments Off on Jean Baudrillard and Le Système des objets
A multifaceted man, Jean Baudrillard was a French sociologist, philosopher, cultural theorist, political commentator, and photographer. His life and ideas will be subject of examination in the following post. He mostly analyzed the way technological progress affects social change, but his work has been rich and productive in general. Le Système des objets has been […]
Protecting Ownership
marzo 19th, 2012 · Comments Off on Protecting Ownership
”A lot of information is available to you on the Internet. But the fact that you can access that information does not mean it is proper or safe to use it any way you want” (Freedman, Jeri: “Intellectual Property“). The writer Jeri Freedman has dealt with the issue of intellectual property in her book “Cyber […]
El Intermedio: a fashionable TV program in the Net
diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on El Intermedio: a fashionable TV program in the Net
The television program El Intermedio has an account in Facebook and another one in Twitter, owning also a web page and a blog. But what else do we know about them? Do we know something about their digital identity? Do they know how to manage a digital reputation? The report “Web Communication Plan on El Intermedio” analyzes […]
Twitterholic Politicians
diciembre 13th, 2011 · Comments Off on Twitterholic Politicians
In 2008, Barack Obama chose Twitter to thank for his victory in the elections (Cristina Pereda), and in three years time Twitter has reached 220 million users, having only one million in the year 2008 (Yolanda Monge). In 2011, six Spanish candidates out of ten owned a Twitter account in the elections in May (Albert […]
Eskola Txikiak
diciembre 9th, 2011 · Comments Off on Eskola Txikiak
Roser Boix-ek Eskola Txikiak arrainontziekin parekatzen ditu, dena ikusten eta entzuten delako. Eskola Txikien web orrialdean ikus daitekeen moduan, eskola hauetan ikasleek gela berean jarraitzen dute bizpahiru urtez, zaharrago naiz gazteago diren kideekin batera ikasiz, zeina oso aberasgarria eta baliagarria den doktorearen esanetan. Orrialdean ikus daitekeenez, Eskola Txikiak landa eremuetan dauden herri eskola euskaldunak dira. Arraroa, […]