Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

“Game Makers”

diciembre 12th, 2012 · No hay Comentarios

Game Makers were the volunteers for the Olympic Games hosted this past summer in London. The reason of this name is because thanks to them the Olympic Games were possible. They job consisted on helping spectators and competitors, answer any question and managing to work the games properly. Volunteers were from all age range and came from diverse background, they did not just come from across the UK they also particípate many people from abroad. All volunteers were recognized by their brightly coloured uniforms.
Olympic Games have lots of work to do; they usually start to prepare the games at least four years before the games take place. So, recruiting many volunteers for the Olympics is also a long and hard work. Games Makers recruitment began in September 2010, there were sent more than 240,000 applications and interviewed 100,000 people. The selected applicants had to attend at least three training lessons to be as prepared as possible for the games.
As said before, volunteers were from different ages. Over 2,000 volunteers were from 16-18 years old and they took part in the Young Games Maker programme. They had many different roles and they worked in teams. Many volunteers also took part in the London Prepares series test events: an invaluable opportunity to gain experience and a greater understanding of how a large sporting event is staged.

Volunteers particípate to both Summer and Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games. Games Makers are  inspirational, open, respectful, team-focused, distinctive people and they have a ‘can do’ attitude. All volunteers made succesful results and showed the great feeling of being part of such a great event, for most of them is one of the best experiences of their lives.

They show the real values of the Olympic games.


  • Volunteers, London 2012.
  • London 2012′s Games Makers. The Guardian, 2012

Filed under: Multiculturality Tagged: Different job, Volunteers


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