Interakzioa da hainbat eta hainbat adituk komunikazio estrategietan azpimarratzen duten ezaugarrietako bat. Hauxe dio Melisa Ward-ek honi buruz:
Potential customers want interaction and most importantly to feel like they have a stake in your product or service. Opening up a two ways dialogue and thereby building and being involved in the community at large is the most effective way to break out your brand and specific product or service. Relationship building, interactive dialogue and community involvement are the keys to building a successful business, both online and off.
Beraz, erlazioak, elkarrizketa interaktiboa eta komunitatean sartzea lirateke, bere ustez, arrakasta lortzeko giltzak. Betetzen al ditu horiek Hitzen Uberan-ek? Zelan erabiltzen du sarea Hitzen Uberan-ek bere altxorrak jendeari erakusteko? Erabilera egokia ematen al die sare sozialei? Benetan helarazten al dizkio edukiak jendeari; eta hortaz, eraginkorra al da internet bidezko komunikazio plana? Besteak beste, galdera horiek erantzun asmoz, Hitzen Uberan-en Web Komunikazio Plana egiten ahalegindu naiz eta hauxe duzue sarrera.
Jorratuko ditudan puntuak jarraian datozenak izango dira:
- Aurkezpena
- Sarrera
- Facebook sare sozialaren erabilera
- Twitter: Microblogging-aren erabilera
- Bloga
- Ondorioak
- Erreferentziak
- Kanpoko estekak
Your Facebook Page should contain all or most of these:
- Links to your blog posts
- Links to related articles (whether they’re yours or not)
- Videos
- Photos
- Discussions
- Tweet great content 3-4 times a day
- Reply to conversations
- Retweet other people’s content
- Be easy to retweet and follow
- Ward, Melissa. Your Web Communication Strategy. [Bisitatua: 2011/12/10]
- Payton, Susan (2010). HOW TO: Get the Most Out of your Business Facebook Page [Bisitatua: 2011/12/10]
- Jantsch, John. Twitter: Using Twitter for Business [Bistatua: 2011/12/11]
Filed under: Web Communication