Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

¿Qué es la literatura?

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

La pregunta “¿Qué es la literatura?” no es necesariamente una de esas preguntas que puede ser simplemente respondida una única vez y para siempre. Para preguntarnos “¿Qué es la literatura?” conviene preguntarse también cómo cobran sentido las palabras, y cómo se establece el significado de las palabras y su definición. Esto implicaría tener en cuenta […]

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Las empresas españolas y la crisis

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

De acuerdo con la Real Academia Española (RAE), crisis es, en su sexta acepción, escasez, carestía, y, en su séptima acepción, situación dificultosa o complicada. Ambas tienen en común una connotación económica propia del momento en el que vivimos actualmente y recuerdan a lo que todos los grupos sociales y medios de comunicación hablan y […]

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Durangoko azoka.

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

“Durangoko azoka” euskal literatura eta musika alorrean aurkitzen den azoka nagusia dela esan daiteke, bertan elkartzen baitira, euskal idazle, poeta, musikari….guztiak. Azoka hau abenduko lehen hamostaldian egin ohi da, abenduaren 6 eta 8aren inguruan normalean, eta bertan euskal kulturako azken berriak saltzen dira, aurreko urteetako eleberri, liburu, nobela, CD eta abarrekin batera. “Durangoko Euskal Liburu […]

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“Game Makers”

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

Game Makers were the volunteers for the Olympic Games hosted this past summer in London. The reason of this name is because thanks to them the Olympic Games were possible. They job consisted on helping spectators and competitors, answer any question and managing to work the games properly. Volunteers were from all age range and […]

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12 de diciembre, 2012 |

Todos los países y ciudades tienen su encanto, pero no siempre se tiene la oportunidad de visitar todos los lugares que uno quiere. En este caso, yo voy a escribir sobre Brighton, una ciudad que se encuentra en la costa de Gran Bretaña, y que está a una hora escasa en tren de Londres. Yo […]

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Music and its prejudices

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

There are a lot of different ideas that pop out in our heads when we hear the word music. Its definition in the encyclopedia appears as follows:  music, as any artistic expression, is a cultural product. The purpose of this art is to arouse an esthetic experience in the listener and to express feelings, thoughts […]

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A clockwork orange

12 de diciembre, 2012 |

A clockwork orange is a film produced in 1971, written and directed by Stanley Kubrick and bassed on the Anthony Burgess novella A clockwork orange. The film shows disturbing and violents images of the young gang that appears in the film. CAST Malcom McDowell as Alex  James Marcus as Georgie Warren Clarke as Dim                                                                                                                                             PLOT The film happens […]

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12 de diciembre, 2012 |

This BlogSpot is going to be about my favorite hobby which is horse riding. This hobby or Sport has many different categories/competitions that are these ones : dressage, raid, races, cross country, polo, Horse Show Jumping Competitions….etc. as you can see there are a lot so I will just explain 4 of them and specially […]

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The Pleasure of Drawing

11 de diciembre, 2012 |

Drawing is an activity well known all around the world. Many people see it as a hobby, just as a way of entertaining yourself, others see it as a method of making money, and a few think of it as an instrument which anyone can handle to free their minds, and let the imagination take […]

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Basque Mythology

11 de diciembre, 2012 |

Basque Mythology has survived in the Basque Country since prehistory. The basque people have always had a strong own culture and  language, but later, their rites and beliefs were influenced by the Roman Empire and the Christianity. The main deity in the Basque Mythology is Amalurra. The Earth is considered as the source that gives […]

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The Voice

11 de diciembre, 2012 |

‘The voice’ is a talent show which began in Holland and was later copied in United Kingdom and United States, and that finally has come to Spain with an incredible success of viewers. “The program” The voice “was devised by John de Mol, creator of Big Brother, and it differs from other shows of singing […]

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Kurt Cobain

11 de diciembre, 2012 |

Kurt Cobain is probably one of the most charismatic singers ever. His alienation and sorrow turned his songs into anthems of the apathetic society he lived in; and those anthems made him an icon that is still remembered. In the ephemeral world of fame, few artists reach the glory, and Kurt Cobain and his band […]

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