Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Justin Timberlake: Musikari, aktore eta dantzaria

27 de marzo, 2012 |

Justin Timberlake: Musikari, aktore eta dantzaria izeneko liburua Justin Timberlake amerikar aktorearen bizitza miresgarriaz mintzatzen da. Irakurleek orain arte argirtara atera ez diren aktorearen gazteriako pasarteen berri izango dute. Honetaz gain, bere familiaren, karreraren eta osperako ibilbidearen inguruan gaur egun arte izkututa egon den informazioa eskura izango dute liburu honen erosleek. Marcia Amidon Lusted dugu […]

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Nickelback. Bide luzea

27 de marzo, 2012 |

Nickelback taldea, 1995ean sortu zen musika talde kanadiarra da, post- grunge estiloa jorratzen duena, hain zuzen ere. Sarean aurki ditzakegun mila erreferentziatik, Nickelback- eri buruzko lana egiterako aukeratu ditudanak hurrengo hauek dira, izan ere, banda honen gaineko informazioa lortzeko aproposak iruditu zaizkit. Pertsonek osatzen duten taldea den heinean, bertako bateria jotzaileari,  Daniel Adair-i, egin zioten elkarrizketa bat erreferentzi legez erabiltzea aukera […]

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The clockwork orange

27 de marzo, 2012 |

Stanley Kubrick’s A clockwork orange based on the novel by Anthony Burgess is one of the good references about this film. I think it is a good reference because, on the one hand, you have a comment from the author, Kubrick : “I have always wondered if there might be a more meaningful way to […]

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<div style=…

25 de marzo, 2012 |

<div style=”width:477px” id=”__ss_4933401″> <strong style=”display:block;margin:12px 0 4px”><a href=”” title=”Gazteen lokalak ez (B)” target=”_blank”>Gazteen lokalak ez (B)</a></strong> <div style=”padding:5px 0 12px”> View more <a href=”” target=”_blank”>documents</a> from <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>Andoni Tolosa</a> </div> </div>

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Guernica (cuadro)

22 de marzo, 2012 |

La historia del cuadro de Guernica es una historia muy compleja de explicar. En mi referencia elegida que se trata de la Página web, se explica muy buen la historia de esta obra. Yo en este post, sin embargo, mediante dos apartados, explicaré la información más básica: su relación con la villa, que hizo […]

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A Little Bit of Brain on Music

22 de marzo, 2012 |

This Is Your Brain on Music: The Science of a Human Obsession  writen by Daniel J. Levitin (1957), an american professor, cognitive psychologist, neuroscientist, record producer, musician and wrtier, will be one of the references we will be using for the elavoration of the article about Jack Johnson. This writer is well known as the […]

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Algortako Portu Zaharra

20 de marzo, 2012 |

My group and I have chosen Algortako Portu Zaharra to do our wikipedia article because it is a place we know and like. Algortako Portu Zaharra is a fishermen neigbourhood located in a town of Biscay called Algorta as its name says. This neighbourhood was founded in the XVIIIth century due to the fact that […]

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Nickelback: Biografia

20 de marzo, 2012 |

Gure taldeko artikulua Nickelback taldearen inguruan egingo dugu. Kanadako talde hau 1995an sortu zen, Hanna herrian, Albertan, eta harreskero jarraitzaile ugari izan ditu. Hori dela eta, taldea eta hau psatzen duten kideen informazioa zabalduz joan de Interneten bidez; baina, oso sarritan gertatzen den bezala, ez dago talde honen inguruko informaziorik euskaraz edo, egotekotan, ez da […]

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Jack Johnson’s Bibliography

20 de marzo, 2012 |

If you want to understand the music of Jack Johnson, it is essential to sympathize with the sound of the waves and the poetry of a jewelled sky in the beach. Jack Johnson grew as a Hawaiian native[1], and as such the surf became an inborn part of his life, of his work. Therefore, we […]

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Bibliography for the Wikipedia Article

20 de marzo, 2012 |

Writing a good scholarly paper, an academic text adding something new to the scientific sphere is definitely not a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, it usually happens that an essay we come across with entails much more efforts than apparently could seem. Anyone intending to do a scholarly paper ought to carry […]

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Even Zohar: Literatura eta Itzulpenak

20 de marzo, 2012 |

Artikulu hau Itamar Even Zoharrek 1990ean idatzitakoa da eta bertan bere lan nagusienean, polisistemen teorian oinarrituz, itzulpengintzak duen garrantziari buruz dihardu. Itamar Even Zohar, filosofo, Hebraiar filologo eta Literatu Konparatuko aditu israeldar garrantzitsuenetariko bat izateaz gain, Ikasketa Kulturaletako ikertzailerik esanguratsuenetariko bat da zalantzarik gabe. Ikertzaile israeldar hau batez ere identitate nazionalen eraketetan kulturak duen jarrera […]

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Chinese cinema: “Spring Subway”

20 de marzo, 2012 |

The Infomation Management group I am part of is preparing a Wikipedia article that will be focused on the Chinese film Spring Subway from 2002. In order to analyze and understand it, I have selected some reliable sources related to Chinese contemporary cinema. Firstly, the author of my first source is Jerome Silbergeld, a Professor […]

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