Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Predictions of the marketing

20 de diciembre, 2013 |

Nancy Baghat, the vicepresident of marketing strategy of Intel said that we are going to see a huge increase in location-based marketing. With the rapid proliferation of devices and the explosion of the internet of things, people will be carrying, … Continue reading

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The experience of a first category rhythmic gymnast: Sol Moreno

20 de diciembre, 2013 |

¿Have you ever wondered what it takes and how it feels to be an elite gymnast, to take part in a rhythmic gymnastics Spanish championship in the “first category” and all the work it hides behind? I am sure this is  definitely an issue of …

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20 de diciembre, 2013 |

This festivity is also known as the Spring Festival, and it is the main Chinese event of the year. This celebration lasts for fifteen days at all, but the public holiday lasts for three days. During these days, the family … Continue reading&…

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Gemma Mengual comes back!

20 de diciembre, 2013 |

“Si la selección me necesita, estoy dispuesta a volver” states Gemma Mengual in her interview with El Confidencial about coming back to synchronised swimming competitions. Although we all know Gemma had not completely retired, as she is part of …

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Shakespeare’s reincarnations

19 de diciembre, 2013 |

Many times have Shakespeare’s texts been revised in order to try and discover how the Bard’s actual appearance was at the sixteenth century. Courtney Lehmann is one of the experts that has deeply reflected on this issue. She holds several academic professional posts at the moment; namely, Ad Hoc Member of the Graduate Faculty, University of Kansas (2009), Professor […]

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Chinese New Year

19 de diciembre, 2013 |

Chinese New Year, also known as the Spring Festival is the main Chinese festival of the year. As the Chinese use the lunar calendar for their festivals, the date of Chinese New Year changes from year to year. The date … Continue reading&#160…

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Le côté français du barde

19 de diciembre, 2013 |

Ce n’est pas surprenant de trouver de temps en temps un écrivain qui a été beaucoup influencé par ses prédécesseurs. C’est le cas d’un des dramaturges les plus talentueux de l’historie de l’Angleterre,  William Shakespeare, auquel Ralph McLean se réfère, en expliquant l’influence du français Michel de Montaigne, pionnier du Renaissance, en cet écrivain. On […]

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Shakespeare as a model

17 de diciembre, 2013 |

“New York becomes London” as, “El Mundo” has said, this autumm the main characters of Broadway are not going to be, Billy Crystal, Al pacino or Scarlett Johansson, is going to be the most famous playwright of the world: William Shakespeare. The Shakesperean moment of Broadway has spread through the opera (Falstaff) and also through […]

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Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2013 FINAL

14 de diciembre, 2013 |

Fukuoka has been the place that has hosted the Grand Prix of Figure Skating 2013. This Japanese city has been the home of many athletes between the 5th and the 8th of December. Most of those athletes are well-known internationally and had won several p…

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Shakespeare, Women, Ophelia

12 de diciembre, 2013 |

One of the greatest paradoxes of the Elizabethan plays of the XVIth century was that even though women were not allowed to enter the stage, their role in the script was crucial. Hamlet’s Ophelia has become an icon of women’s role in life. It definitely is one the highest contributions of the bard to the […]

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Review: What is Euskalgym? Part 2

11 de diciembre, 2013 |

It is said that “sequels are never any good” but when it comes to Eusklagym is couldn´t be further from the thruth. As many relevant personalities have stated Euskalgym gets better and better every year. Want to find out what I´m talking …

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Review: What is Euskalgym?

27 de noviembre, 2013 |

“Euskalgym”. Does this word mean anything to you? It does for a huge number of people who are fans of one of the most spectacular but less famous sports, rythmic gymnastics. If you do not know yet about it you will after reading this post, …

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