Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Itzulpen automatikoa

abril 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on Itzulpen automatikoa

Irlandako “National Center for Language Techonology”, Dublin Cityko unibertsitateko ordenagailu eskolan kokatuta dagoen zentrua da. Bertan makinen itzulpena, indukzio gramatikoa, galdera-erantzunen programak, ordenagailu bidezko hizkuntzen ikasketak, software lokalizazioa eta hizketaren errekonozimendua lantzen dira eta nik hauen arteko itzulpena automatikoa aukeratu dut bertan sakontzeko helburuz. Azken urteotan informazioaren gizartean bizi garenez gero, jendeak hamaika lekutan dauka eskuragarri […]

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Natural Language Processing

abril 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on Natural Language Processing

The Processing of Natural Languages – brief PLN, or NLP- is a subdiscipline of the Artificial Intelligence and the branch engineer of the linguistics computational. The PLN deals with the formulation and investigation of effective mechanisms computationaly for the communication between persons or between persons and machines by means of natural languages. The PLN does […]

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Automatic Summarization (Questionnaire 2)

abril 26th, 2009 · Comments Off on Automatic Summarization (Questionnaire 2)

Automatic summarization is the formation of an abbreviated version of a text, made by a computer program. The main objective of automatic summarization is the following:  first, to take a source of information. After that,  to draw out the contained substance from it and finally, to present the major content to the user in a […]

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