Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Which are the main differences between the “e-book” and the traditional book?

octubre 6th, 2009 · Comments Off on Which are the main differences between the “e-book” and the traditional book?

  Nowadays, is not still ver common to see people using an e-book ( electronic book) in our society. Nevertheless, taking into account the changes of our reading changes,  these new appliances will become very catchy, beacause they have a lot … Sigue leyendo

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No te salves

octubre 6th, 2009 · Comments Off on No te salves

No te quedes inmóvil
al borde del camino
no congeles el júbilo
no quieras con desgana
no te salves ahora
ni nunca
No te salves
no te llenes de calma
no reserves del mundo
sólo un rincón tranquilo
no dejes caer los párpados
pesados como juicios
no te quedes sin labios
no te duermas sin sueño
no te pienses sin sangre
no te juzgues sin tiempo
Pero si
pese a todo
no puedes […]

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