Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Internet eta sare sozialen arriskuak

30 de mayo, 2012 |

Sare sozialek badute bere alde txarra deskribatuta: erabilera desegokia, obsesibo edo irizpide gabekoa, auto-estima arazoak nabarmendu ditzake. Teknologia berrien berehalakotasuna eta ugaltzeko gaitasunak edozein egoera kontrolatzeko zailtasunak ematen ditu. “Marta G. 48 lagun ditu Facebooken”. “Hau 92 pertsonari gustatzen zaie”. “Nire profila gustatzen bazaizu bozkatu hemen”. Interneteko sare popularra den Facebookek ematen dituen konsigna batzuk […]

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Sui Sin Far

30 de mayo, 2012 |

Students of Modern Languages ​​2 we had to make some presentations on each character who appear in the book of Aitor Ibarrola “Entre dos mundos”. My group had to make the work about Sui Sin Far, Canadian short story writer, journalist, and essayist. The work was difficult because there is not a lot of information […]

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Maya Angelou

30 de mayo, 2012 |

“Puede que tengas que enfrentarte a muchas derrotas pero nunca debes acabar derrotado”. The hard life of this African-American woman is summarized in this phrase.  She was born in St. Louis (Missouri) the 1928. Her childhood was full of hard times. Her brother and she had to live for a long time with her ​​grandmother […]

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New way of trendding

30 de mayo, 2012 |

Zara reinvents Trendding; we have to understand this concept (trendding) as creating trend.Inditex empire, has been able to make this rather difficult task wisely, quikly and efficiently. Above all with its first store: Zara.It is the most famous spanish brand ,thank to its concept of “fast fashion” which is wearing the world. Almost all of […]

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AEB eta SESB arteko lehia espaziala

28 de mayo, 2012 |

Lehia espazialaren gatazkaren inguruan aritu gara eta, izan ere, gure artikulua Wikipedian dago ikusgai. Hasteko, borroka edo lehia hau ez zen egun bateko gauza izan, 25 urte iraun baitzituen; horregatik, nabarmendu beharra dago, denbora tarte luze hori artikulu soil batean adieraztea nahiko zaila eta konplexua izan da. Horren ondorioz, aipatu beharra dago Gerra Hotzaren kontestu historikoan […]

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El concepto de préstamo y otros términos interrelacionados

18 de mayo, 2012 |

El termino préstamo crea bastante polémica por su amplio y ambiguo significado, ya que como afirma Castillo Carballo (2006: 6) se suele utilizar para hacer referencia a cualquier elemento que surja como resultado de las relaciones interlingüísticas, con independencia de todas las puntualizaciones efectuadas. Del mismo modo, Gomez Capuz (2005: 9-10) señala que el concepto […]

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Arte postmodernoa: Jeff Koons

18 de mayo, 2012 |

 Egungo artean arreta jarriz, gaurkoa Arte Postmoderno bezala ezagutzen den artea daukagu, Aro Garaikideko gizarte, politika eta ekonomian oinarritzen dena. Arte honen barruan kokatzen da Jeff Koons artista estatubatuarraren lana. Garaiko artista polemikoenetarikoa dugu Koons, baita hobeto ordainduenetakoa ere. Kitsch estilotik hasi eta monumentalismora garatu du bere lana. Material ez-ohiko bezain arraroak erabili ditu bere […]

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The problem is not information overload, but how to deal with it

18 de mayo, 2012 |

“El reto tecnológico mas importante es como tratar tal cantidad de informacion: encontrar puntos, unir esos puntos y entender esos puntos. Ese es el problema.” Eric Hasseltine Director Investigacion de la NSA 2002-2005 (National Security Agency) A balanced combination of science, philosophy, and  mankind´s natural selective skills and capacities will eventually bring forth a definite […]

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Destruction of Neuss (1586): modern and contemporary sources

18 de mayo, 2012 |

In order to accurately translate /expand my selected Wikipedia article – entitled  “Destruction of Neuss” (source language: english/flemish) – into Spanish , I have decided to deepen into the proposed subject not only through the study of the references that have been used to construct the chosen Wikipedia article, but also through a personal selection […]

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¿Qué significa eso de “Content Curation”?

17 de mayo, 2012 |

Content Curation es el acto de descubrir, recopilar y presentar contenido digital en torno a un tema en especial. Aunque todavía parezca estar a años luz de nosotros, resulta que se está convirtiendo en un producto principal de marketing para muchas compañías con una reputada presencia online. A diferencia del marketing del contenido, la curación […]

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Wikipedia adventure

17 de mayo, 2012 |

Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, has been our territory of study during the last weeks. The main target was developing a complete article or improving and translating an already published one, that is to say, the objective was immersing ourselves in this deep and global ocean in which lots of information swim constantly. And, honestly, the […]

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Wikipedian idazten

16 de mayo, 2012 |

Saiatu al zara inoiz Wikipedian artikuluren bat idazten? Nola egiten den ere ez dakizu? Artikulu honek horren berri emango dizu, Parisko Jean Baudrillard filosofoari buruzko ingelesezko artikuluaren itzulpena nola egin zen azaltzen duen artean. Wikipedian hainbat lan argitaratu direla esan beharrik ere ez da; tendentzia honi jarraiki, ordea, entziklopedia aske honetan Deustuko Unibertsitateak ere bere […]

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