Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde octubre 2009

Digital libraries

octubre 20th, 2009 · Comments Off on Digital libraries

Since technology has developed, we can find different kind of web pages. Some of them are digital libraries, in other words, web pages where different collections are stored in digital formats. This means that these kind of libraries are accessible by … Continue reading

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Infamous Maialen!!

octubre 20th, 2009 · Comments Off on Infamous Maialen!!

[Erasmus pathetic student] – I can’t understand this terrible handwriting!!!
[Pathetic human being]- Let me see. Well, cómo no, this belongs to infamous Maialen.
Que los profesores me insulten en privado es una cosa, pero que lo hagan públicamente y en clase es otra cosa muy diferente. Entiendo que hay cosas en mi aborrecibles, desde comentarios […]

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Digital libraries

octubre 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on Digital libraries

I’m going to do an explanation of two libraries that I though to be the best, and I’m going to review some of their characteristics:  British library:  It is in the United Kingdom. It holds over 150 millon items in a lot of languages and formats. This library  offers more than 100 million items for researchers and […]

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Vida cotidiana

octubre 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on Vida cotidiana

Uno es lo especial que los demás quieren que sea. Eres alta según la estatura de quien te mire, eres gorda según los ojos que te miran. Eres lo estúpida que otra persona quiera que seas.
Pero…seas como seas, piensen lo que piensen, el sol sigue saliendo y la hierba creciendo.
Esta mañana paseaba en dirección […]

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eBooks vs Traditional books

octubre 18th, 2009 · Comments Off on eBooks vs Traditional books

The quick development of  new technologies is transforming our lives dramatically in many aspects. One of them is literature. Nowadays, traditional books are living a little crisis due to the appearance of eBooks. An eBook (or electronic book) is, in plain words, a digital version of a traditional book. So now you may be wondering […]

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Digital Libraries

octubre 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Digital Libraries

The British Library & The Darlington Digital Library The British Library The British Library is the National library of the United Kingdom and nowadays one of the biggest libraries in the world. It possesses aroun 150 million articles and each year about 3 million more books are added to the initial amount. The British Library […]

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Ebook vs. libro de papel. ¿Qué los diferencia?

octubre 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on Ebook vs. libro de papel. ¿Qué los diferencia?

Acostumbrados al libro convencional, ahora se nos presenta la oportunidad de no tener que andar cargando con esos pesados volúmenes de más de mil páginas de un lado para otro cuando queremos leer, y esa posiblididad nos la da el ebook o libro electrónico. Este término se utiliza tanto para referirse a lo que es […]

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ebook and paper book

octubre 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on ebook and paper book

An ebook is a digital book, is a equivalent of a traditional printed book. E-books are found in personal computers, movil phones or hardware deviced known as e-Readers.  There are a lot of differences between an e-book and a printed book, some of them are:  An e-book can be with you at all moment a […]

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E-book: Main differences between it and a printed book

octubre 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on E-book: Main differences between it and a printed book

1.What’s an E-book? An electronic book (also known as an e-book) us an electronic or digital version of a book. It is also called this way the dispositive which is used to read this kind of books. The name is someway ambiguous, since it refers to an individual work in digital format but also to […]

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eBook VS libro tradicional

octubre 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on eBook VS libro tradicional

eBook-aren helburua ez da liburu tradizionalarekin bukatzea. Espertuek diotenez denentzako lekua dago merkatuan. 2009. urtea bukatzen denerako pilo bat liburu egongo dira sarean eta irakurtzeko aukera izango dugu. Baina eBook liburuak liburu tradizionalak beste engantxatuko gaituzte? Diotenez papera da gu engatxatzen gaituena. Beraz, alde horretatik begiratuta punto negatibo bat da. Horretaz gain, nahiko zaila da […]

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Bibliotecas digitales

octubre 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on Bibliotecas digitales

Argi dago teknologia digitalak gure bizitzan eragina duela, eta ezagupena ezin daiteke eszepzioa izan. Orain dela urte nahikotxo, mundu osoko instituzio garrantzitsu askok, obra, artikulo eta heziketarako beharrezkoak diren gauza digitalak lortzeko borrokan ari dira. Liburutegi digitala da berririk handiena sarean eta baita gure jakituria unibertsializatzera lagunduko digu. Liburutegi hauek  ez dira datu base baten […]

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Markaketa Lenguaia

octubre 14th, 2009 · Comments Off on Markaketa Lenguaia

Markaketa lengoaiak testuen egitura, itxura edota formatua adierazteko markak edo etiketak erabiltzen dituzten lengoaia informatikoak dira. Testuaren jatorrizko edukiari funtzio edo esanahi jakin bat duten testu-etiketak gehituz, programa informatikoek modu egokian interpretatu eta agertzea ahalbidetzen dute. ANSI (“American Standards National Institute”) erakundeak, 1978. urtean, testu-prozesamenduan zebiltzan hainbat talde jarri zituen harremanetan, edozein motatako testuak kodetzeko, […]

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