Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde diciembre 2011

The future of Facebook: will people get bored of it?

diciembre 19th, 2011 · Comments Off on The future of Facebook: will people get bored of it?

Nowadays, the massive use of social networks is creating the need of a continuous dependence to it. As can be seen in the statistics of Facebook’s business site, it has “More than 800 million active users” worldwide; it is an absolute successful phenomena, which is gaining even more followers in the last year. For instance, […]

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Technology- Taking over control of our lives

diciembre 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on Technology- Taking over control of our lives

Technology brings many good things to our lives, better health care, more convintion and sometimes extra time to do something else. But technology also can cause more stress for being connected to work and family all the time and also many distractions that get us in trouble or hurt.  We have gained immediate access to […]

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RSS: Informazio tresna paregabea

diciembre 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on RSS: Informazio tresna paregabea

Internet informazioz gainezka dago, eta, gainera, hainbat dira argitaratzeko erabiltzen diren web komunikazio tresnak. Blog-ak izan ohi dira, ordea, informazio iturririk fidagarri eta emankorrenak. Seguruenik blog batzuen jarraitzailea zara, edota gai jakin baten inguruan argitaratzen denaren berri izan nahi duzu, horretarako egunero hainbat webgunetan sartzen eta edukiak bilatzen orduak ematen dituzu. Arakatze lan horretaz aspertuta? […]

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Marka pertsonalen sortze eta kudeaketa egokia sarean

diciembre 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on Marka pertsonalen sortze eta kudeaketa egokia sarean

“Personal branding, by definition, is the process by which we market ourselves to others” Dio Dan Schawbel personal brandingean aditua denak. Bizitzen ari garen sare sozialen boom honetan hainbat termino berrira egokitu beharrean aurkitzen gara, eta marka pertsonala ere, bete-betean kokatzen da termino horien artean. Marka izenez ezagutzen duguna, laster lotu daiteke produktuetara, objetuetara. Eta […]

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La pecera de Eva telesailari buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?

diciembre 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on La pecera de Eva telesailari buruz gehiago jakin nahi duzu?

 Nire WCT plana ”La pecera de Eva” Telecinco- ko telesailaren gainekoa da. Izan ere, telesail honek gaur egungo gazteen arazoak, eta, are gehiago, arazoen konponbideak nola jasotzen dituen gogoko baitut. Telesaila Isla Producciones- ek ekoizten du eta Zapatu eta Domekero ematen dute FDF-n arratsaldeetan.Dagoeneko 4 denboraldi eman dituzte. Hala ere, azkenengoak 1,8ko sharea baino ez du lortu, FDF-n […]

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WCPlan: Arturo Pérez-Reverte

diciembre 18th, 2011 · Comments Off on WCPlan: Arturo Pérez-Reverte

Arturo Pérez-Reverte  is a spanish novelist and jourlalist, appart from been member of the Royal Spanish Academy. He usually uses social networks to promote himself and his own work. There have been analised different webs that Pérez-Reverte uses as promotion as Twitter, Facebook, or his Official Web. Regarding Twitter, all people know that Pérez- Reverte posts […]

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The Coca-Cola Company speaks through the web

diciembre 17th, 2011 · Comments Off on The Coca-Cola Company speaks through the web

The Coca-Cola Company is a worldwide beverage business using different social networks and web communication tools to spread as a company and to keep in touch with its consumers. According to John Costello, […] this is the age of the internet. Millions of people use the internet every day. As Susan Payton said in an […]

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Oriental Music and the 60s

diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on Oriental Music and the 60s

As Hugh Gregory (1999) stresses, in the 60s, American society turned its head to the East, to discover new ways of thinking, of understanding life and of living it. It was the perfect complement for the hippie movement: a thousand-year-old phylosophy with great ideas about physical and mental peace, as Ricardo Ribera (2003) reminds us. Thus, […]

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El Intermedio: a fashionable TV program in the Net

diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on El Intermedio: a fashionable TV program in the Net

The television program El Intermedio has an account in Facebook and  another one in Twitter, owning also a web page and a blog. But what else do we know about them? Do we know something about their digital identity? Do they know how to manage a digital reputation? The report “Web Communication Plan on El Intermedio” analyzes […]

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Argia, astekaria izatetik haratago

diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on Argia, astekaria izatetik haratago

ARGIA [Zeruko Argia] astekaria Euskal Herri eta Iparraldean publikatzen den euskarazko aldizkari orokorra eta zaharrena da. Astero kaleratzen da eta gaurkotasunarekin lotutako gaiak sakontasunez lantzea da helburu nagusitzat duena. Gaur egun oso estuki lotuta dago bai bere Facebook , Twitter eta Youtubeko sare sozialetara. Hala ere esan beharra dago bere publikazio eta informazio gehiena bere orrialde […]

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Hitzen Uberan: Interneten erabilera eraginkorra?

diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on Hitzen Uberan: Interneten erabilera eraginkorra?

Interakzioa da hainbat eta hainbat adituk komunikazio estrategietan azpimarratzen duten ezaugarrietako bat. Hauxe dio Melisa Ward-ek honi buruz: Potential customers want interaction and most importantly to feel like they have a stake in your product or service. Opening up a two ways dialogue and thereby building and being involved in the community at large is […]

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Genji, un héroe diferente

diciembre 16th, 2011 · Comments Off on Genji, un héroe diferente

Érase una vez un Japón en el que no había samuraís ni kimonos, ni ceremonias del té. Dice Ivan Morris, profesor de Estudios Japoneses, en su libro The world of the Shining Prince: Si se pregunta a un occidental culto sobre las cosas que asocian con el Japón tradicional, con toda seguridad nos recitará la lista siguiente: […]

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