Nowadays, the digital tools are more important than those who are not. Using digital tool allows us to do much more movements, since they are in the net we can modify them constantly or add information when we want to. One of these new tools is known as blog. But what is a blog? “A blog is a […]
The Blog: A new way of writing
diciembre 29th, 2009 · Comments Off on The Blog: A new way of writing
The Hypertext
diciembre 29th, 2009 · Comments Off on The Hypertext
The original idea of hypertext owes to Vannevar Bush, when in 1945, in his article ” Seize we may think “, describes the MEMEX device in which: ” A person stores his or her books, annotations, records and communications, and this collection of information is mechanized so that he or she can be consulted with […]
Digital libraries
octubre 19th, 2009 · Comments Off on Digital libraries
I’m going to do an explanation of two libraries that I though to be the best, and I’m going to review some of their characteristics: British library: It is in the United Kingdom. It holds over 150 millon items in a lot of languages and formats. This library offers more than 100 million items for researchers and […]
ebook and paper book
octubre 15th, 2009 · Comments Off on ebook and paper book
An ebook is a digital book, is a equivalent of a traditional printed book. E-books are found in personal computers, movil phones or hardware deviced known as e-Readers. There are a lot of differences between an e-book and a printed book, some of them are: An e-book can be with you at all moment a […]
octubre 8th, 2009 · Comments Off on Wikinovela
La Wikinovela es un proyecto de creación colectiva, multilingüe y no lineal, basado en tecnología wiki y con licencia Creative Commons, ha sido desarrollado dentro de la facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Deusto entre el 24 de abril y el 24 de julio de 2006. En cuanto a la descripción y […]
British Library
octubre 7th, 2009 · Comments Off on British Library
Not only books have been digitalized, but libraries have changed too. One of the most important digital libraries is the British Library which is situated in London and it holds over 150 million items in all known languages and formats. It includes around 25 million books, some of them been substancial additional collection of manuscripts […]
Developmental linguistics
octubre 5th, 2009 · Comments Off on Developmental linguistics
The acquision of a language, is only used by the human beings, because language is the main characteristic that differences humans from animals. During the childhood, the period in which we live between infancy and adulthood, we develop our first human characteristics; speaking, walking, and understanding, to name but a few ones. For language adquision to […]
Main differences between book and eBook
septiembre 29th, 2009 · Comments Off on Main differences between book and eBook
We are in the presence of a revolution in the world of the book. The normal book, printed in paper, is being threatened. Is the invention of the eBook the end of the paper book? The eBook is an electronical or digital version of the paper book. This definiton is nor clear because it can refer […]
Tim Berners-Lee
septiembre 29th, 2009 · Comments Off on Tim Berners-Lee
This man is a British engineer and computes scientist . He is credited because he invented the World Wide Web, in 1989. Then he became director of the Word Wide Web consortium, a organization that develops interoperable technologies to leas the web all its potential. On 1990 he tried to improve the communication between HTTP […]
The author`s role in the 21st century
septiembre 28th, 2009 · Comments Off on The author`s role in the 21st century
If we analize the role of the author during these centuries we will find out huge differences. Before the 18th century, the author had not importance because the stories were transmitted orally. Therefore, there was not only one author because the stories changed by the word of mouth. In the 18th century, the author was […]
Enciclopedia francesa
septiembre 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Enciclopedia francesa
Entre 1751 y 1772 en Francia, Diderot y D‘alambert, crearon un conjunto de 17 volúmenes cuyo objetivo era difundir las ideas de la ilustración francesa. El nombre de ” enciclopedia” tal y como lo conocemos en la actualidad, no aparecio hasta el siglo XVII. La enciclopedia tuvo muchos colaboradores, todos ellos ilustrados: filósofos como Rousseau, […]
La Enciclopedia
septiembre 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on La Enciclopedia
L’Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire raisonné des sciences, des arts et des métiers es una enciclopedia francesa, conjunto de 17 volúmenes editada entre los años 1751 y 1772 en Francia bajo la dirección de Denis Diderot y Jean d’Alembert. Es considerada una de las más grandes obras del siglo XVIII, no sólo por ser la primera enciclopedia francesa, […]