Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Entradas desde junio 2009

English Language Resources

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on English Language Resources

In this new comment introduced in my WordPress Blog, I am going to talk about 6 different web pages referred to different Language Resources concerning about English. Thoughout these web pages, we are going to have a general idea about the ways in which English Language can be learnt or improved. We will realize that […]

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BBC Learning English

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on BBC Learning English

It is a very innovative method to learn English by watching the TV and all the programms included for the viewers to learn this language in such a funny way. This local channel shows news, series, quizzes, recipes and so on options that have always new expressions, words, phrases and idioms for the spectator to […]

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Informazio berreskurapena (Q.2)

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Informazio berreskurapena (Q.2)

Informazio berreskurapena dokumentuetan informazio bilaketaren zientzia izango litzateke, dokumentu berdinen bilaketa, dokumentuak deskribatzen dituen metadatuen bilaketa edo datu baseen bilaketa ere izan daiteke. Hau, interneten bidez edota intraneten bidez egin daiteke, azken hau textu, irudi eta soinuetarako izango litzatekeelarik. Informazio berreskurapena ikasketa interdisziplinarioa da eta ikasketa honetaz diharduten disziplina batzuk psikologia kognitiboa, informazioaren arkitektura eta […]

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junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on World-English

A very complete web page containing all the aspects which are necessary to learn and improve English Language. This page includes vocabulary, writing, reading and grammar activities, literature, speaking and general knowledge for improving learners’ English and to approach them to the general history of English Lenguage. A very active and complete web page that […]

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Itzulpengintza automatikoa (Q2)

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Itzulpengintza automatikoa (Q2)

Itzulpengintza automatikoa linguistika konputazionalaren esparru bat da. Esparru honek lengoai natural batetik bestera hizketa edo textu bat itzultzeko softwarearen erabilera ikertzen du. Oinarrizko maila batean, itzulpengintza konputazionalak, lengoai natural baten hitz atomikoak ordezkatzen ditu beste batekoetatik. Corpora linguistikoen bidez itzulpen konplexuagoak saia daitezke eta honek tipologia linguistikoaren ezberdintasunen erabilera egokiagoa ahalbidetzen du, hala nola, esaldien […]

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junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Englishtag

An alternative and very active way to learn English by the Internet. It is a free website and it offers a great variety of interactive methods to learn English. First of all, a level test will be necessary to be made for the learner to be located in the correct level to begin to learn […]

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QUESTIONNAIRE 3: Machine Translation

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on QUESTIONNAIRE 3: Machine Translation

A machine translation is ” the application of computers to the task of translating texts from one natural language to another”. There are many applications for machine translation. Some of them are: Open trad: it is a system of automatic &#…

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One Stop English

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on One Stop English

A very useful English web page that apart from being valid for people who want to learn or improve their English, it is such a good page that it is also used for English language teachers. As it indicates in the presentation of the page, it offers over 6500 resources for teaching and learning English. […]

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Adimen Artifiziala (Q2))

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Adimen Artifiziala (Q2))

Adimen artifiziala eragile arrazionalez bizidunen garapenean jarduten duen informatikaren arloari deritzogu.
Ezagutza mota eta ezagutza errepresentazio bide desberdinak daude. Emaitz razionalak izateko ere, ontzat eman daitezkeen prozesu mota ugari eman daitezke. Adimen agenteek deteminatzen dute prozesu mota hauek. Sinpleenetatik konplexuenetaraino eman daitezkeen prozesu motak hauexek dira:

Erantzun predeterminatu baten ejekuzioa sarrea bakoitzagatik (izaki bizidunen eginkizun islatuen analogoa)
Posibleak […]

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Adimen artifiziala (Q.2)

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on Adimen artifiziala (Q.2)

Eragile arrazional ez bizidunen garapenean jarduten duen informatikaren arloari deritzogu. Ezagutza mota desberdinak eta ezagutza errepresentazio bide desberdinak aurki daitezke. Emaitza razionalak izateko ere, ontzat eman daitezkeen prozesu mota desberdinak daude adimen agentea determinatzen dutenak. Sinpleenetatik hasita eta konplexuetaraino, bost prozesu garrantzitsuenak hauek lirateke: Erantzun predeterminatu baten ejekuzioa sarrera bakoitzagatik (izaki bizidunen eginkizun islatuen analogoa) […]

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junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on

This web page is very useful for those people whose second language is English.  It offers the student multiple ways to approach to English Language. Resources, teachers, learners and academics. This method has a very wide way to focus on teaching English and it covers different levels for learning the language. This page is divided […]

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QUESTIONNAIRE 3: Natural Language Interfaces

junio 16th, 2009 · Comments Off on QUESTIONNAIRE 3: Natural Language Interfaces

Natural language is one of many ‘interface styles’ (or ‘interaction modalities’) that can be used in the dialog between a human user and a computer. There is a significant appeal in being able to address a machine and direct it&…

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