Littera Deusto

Modern Languages, Basque Studies and Humanities

Europako Zenbait Zentru (Q1)

mayo 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Europako Zenbait Zentru (Q1)

Blog honen bidez Europan Giza lengoaien Teknologian aritzen diren hiru zentro aurkeztuko ditugu.Hala ere ezin dezakegu pentsatu Europan bakarrik aurkitu daitezkeel honelako zentroan, mundu osoan zehar badaudelako horrelako erakundeak. Sarrera hoentarako, Irlanda, Eskozia eta Euskadiko zentro bana ikertuko ditugu.
Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak bere ikerketal taldea dauka, IXA taldea, 45 kideez osatuta: 31 informatikari eta 14 hizkuntzalari. Europako, Esapainiako Zientzia […]

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Giza Lengoaia Teknologiak II

mayo 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Giza Lengoaia Teknologiak II

Beste azalpen interesagarri bat aurkitu dezakegu Human Langauge Technology Research Institute -aren(University of Texas, Dallas) web orrialdean:
“These activities [Giza Lengoaia Teknologienak] enable computers to interact with humans using natural language capabilities, and to serve as useful assistants to humans by providing services such as automatic text understanding and retrieval, information extraction and question answering, automatic […]

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A delirium of light and colour – Argizko eta koloreko eldarnioa

mayo 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on A delirium of light and colour – Argizko eta koloreko eldarnioa

“A delirium of light and colour” is one of the expressions contained in the brochure of Joaquim Mir. Antology 1873-1940, to discribe this exhibition at Museo de Bellas Artes that will last until June, 26 and which is very much worth visiting if you happen to be in Bilbao these days.

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Tagging in delicious

mayo 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on Tagging in delicious

Tags What are tags? Tags are one-word descriptors that you can assign to your bookmarks on Delicious to help you organize and remember them. Tags are a little bit like keywords, but you choose them yourself and they do not form a hierarchy. You can assign as many tags to a bookmark as you like […]

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“Hasta” en EspAm

mayo 23rd, 2009 · Comments Off on “Hasta” en EspAm

Si anteriormente deciamos que la preposción “hasta” se utilizaba con el adverbio de negación cuando tiene sentido de “no antes de”, en algunas zonas de América, especialmente en México, en la zona costera del Ecuador, en América Central y en Colombia, se produce un fenómeno inverso, esto es, la supresión de la negación no delante […]

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